Green party accuses Labour, PN of ‘alliance of death’ for refusing to suspend fireworks production pending inquiry

Alternattiva Demokratika says reports that neither PN nor PL won’t consider moratorium on fireworks production shows parties are ‘in alliance of death’

AD secretary-general Ralph Cassar has accused the Labour and Nationalist parties of being in an “alliance of death” for turning down suggestions to suspend the production of fireworks, pending a government inquiry into repeated factory explosions this year.

Earlier this morning, the sixth victim in the Gharb fireworks factory explosion was pronounced death after succumbing to 90 degrees burns.

An inquiry has been launched into the quality of fireworks being imported to Malta following the latest explosion, the fourth in a year.

“Certain situations call for difficult and strong measures,” Cassar said in a statement today. “The fact the both the PL and the PN are ruling out a moratorium on firework production until the reason for the huge number of accidents is identified shows the sheer lack of respect that these parties have towards people, not only those who manufacture fireworks but also those who happen to live close to fireworks factories.”

Cassar said the accidents points towards something which is “repeatedly going wrong over and over again.”

“In other industries where human life is affected, such as food production and medicine manufacturing authorities and even manufacturers go as far as recalling their products on the slightest suspicion of defective products, but it seems that since the PL and PN are only interested in getting one vote more than each other in the case of fireworks anything goes. This attitude is disgusting,” Cassar said.

He said that both the PL and PN had “once again formed an alliance against the common good of the Maltese and Gozitan people. Not even repeated deaths will quench their thirst and hunger for votes and power.”

Cassar said AD supported calls for a moratorium on the manufacture of fireworks. “The safety and wellbeing of people is much more important than PN’s and Labour’s votes. Their alliance of death shows that we have really scraped the bottom in this country.”

You sure have a way of manipulating words...go on get a life.
Gilbert Bartolo
thank you for confirming that Labour is full of ignorant peasants Joe Borg!... well Michael Falzon has just confirmed it a few hours ago anyway!
Truthseeker ..Please make up your mind minute you are telling me "you seem not to know what a moratorium is" the next you are saying "In the examples you mentioned, yes it could be the case for a moratorium " The high risk factor of fireworks production makes it one of the most dangerous workplace/hobby.What if another accident occurs after the moratorium, shall we have another moratorium? What needs to be done is that the forces of law and order are to make sure that all safety measures are adhered to and this is where the Goverment of the day must play his part by making sure that adequate resources and funds are in place.
RC...For someone whom you labeled with a " mentalita provincjali u ta' wara l-muntanji" I have no problrm in telling you that you should hang your head in shame for trying to gain political milage from such a horrific tragedy. No wonder you cannot even garner "votes from ignorant peasants "
Adrian Busuttil
In a country where political accountability does not exist, what have the politicians got to lose by not doing the right thing?
Monique Cauchi
As usual this being Malta everything is reduced to a political argument, even the lives of your own people. How many votes is the life of an unborn baby worth? AD is perfectly correct in saying that a moratorium is the way to go. But the two main parties are too afraid of losing a couple of votes to support such a sensible conclusion. These factories need to be closed immediately and all chemicals and manufactured fireworks checked by AFM explosives experts. The same chemicals are at present sitting in other factories perhaps in your town. At some point they will probably pass through your town, perhaps past your child's school, are you willing to take that chance in order to maintain a political stance?
Paul Sammut
If firework manufacture enthusiasts want to have an Alliance with Death (AD??] and risk their lives, well, that's their business as long as they practice their hobby at a safe enough distance and together create a fund that is adequate enough to make good for Any and All damage the may cause to third parties. At the same time, if AD does desire to be credible it should address statements at the authorities that control the manufacture of fireworks, if there are any. If they are pragmatic enough and worth their salt, they know very well that they cannot expect anything concerning this matter from politicians. Actually, come to think of it, it is probably the Bishops that may have the greatest influence in this case.
Gilbert Bartolo
you are wrong because manufacture for next year has either started or about to yes moratorium on manufacture, b
Gilbert Bartolo
you are wrong because manufacture for next year has either started or about to yes moratorium on manufacture, b
Micheal Bonanno
Why moratoria? How many feasts remain in this year's calendar? A Moratorium now on fireworks would be a joke!
Gilbert Bartolo
as Truthseeker said, yes if a particular brand of alcohol, car, plane whatever causes repeated accidents they are recalled, grounded or whatever...but you are too blinkered to know these things... mentalita provincjali u ta' wara different from PN...getting votes from ignorant peasants at all costs
Gilbert Bartolo
oh how exciting Joe Borg! They get to vote for a party which 'leads' a country, now that is really exciting since they like seeing people being blown to pieces! yes i agree that's the prevailing mentality, VOTE FOR YOUR TRIBE TO 'LEAD" the country and get your pjaciri.... at least there are people who are serious about standards and life.... of course vote hungry PL remains silent... PROGRESSIVE? my foot! GET out of your PROVINCIAL BACKWARD mindset JOE BORG! viva l-Lejbert hi! lol
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Joe Borg, you seem not to know what a moratorium is. It is only temporary so that no more lives will be lost until the root cause for this increase in accidents is found. In the examples you mentioned, yes it could be the case for a moratorium Ex if all of a sudden many people start entering hospital after drinking alcohol or a particular type of alcohol, there might be a moratorium (on alcohol or that particular type) to see if there is a common pattern. It wouldn't mean alcohol will be banned forever. Ahjar uff milli ahh!
Rc.. Why not ask for a moratorium on all flights each time there is a plane crash, a moratorium on swimming each time somebody drowns, on bikes,cars,alchohol, anything taht can cause a fatal accident. If being a PL voter means being backward at least they vote for a party with a good chance of leading the country and not waste their vote on a so called insignificant party as AD. Get a life.
Gilbert Bartolo
Milanist, can you read!? PL is against a moratorium too, it will NOT support a yes PN and PL are in an alliance of death.... get used to it milannist, PL is as backward and 'traditional' as the PN, just look at its voters!
mario grillo
Could someone (or whoever wrote this statement from AD) explain to me what does the PL have to do with this?? Last time I checked PL were in opposition.
Emanuel Deguara
I can confirm that most of the "dilettanti" working on the "murtali" and "murtaletti" in my town are semi-illiterate, let alone science geeks! So if they can hardly write and read, how are they expected to mix dangerous chemicals without blowing themselves up? I think the Government safety rules are a joke!