KSU launch campaign to ‘unite Maltese youths’

University students launch a campaign to encourage Maltese youths to contribute to society. 

The University Students Council (KSU) launched a campaign to unite all Malta’s youths to contribute to society. The campaign is called ‘Solidaritree’ which is a metaphor for something young that requires energy to grow and will eventually give back what it receives.

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca launched this campaign which will include selling wristbands for charity to l-iStrina. 

“The Solidaritree campaign focuses on giving to a community that needs from us, because inevitable we will need from it some day soon,” KSU Public Relations Officer Andrew Borg Wirth said. “It is a celebration of unity, youth, energy, and potential.”

This campaign follows a consultation meeting between Coleiro Preca and University student organisations aimed at roping other schools into the cause.