Doctors warn against heavy school bags
The Association of Private Family Doctors remind parents of the importance of limiting the weight of their childrens' school bags.

Following the start of the new scholastic year last Monday, the Association of Private Family Doctors (APFD) have reminded parents of the importance of limiting the weight of their childrens’ school bags.
“International standards limit the weight of school bags to not more than 10% of the child’s body weight,” the association said in a statement. “However, this does not mean that overweight children are expected to carry heavier bags.”
The APFD also encouraged the Health Promotion Department to be proactive in suggesting ways through which children can limit their school bag weight. As examples, the APFD suggested the provision of lockers and the design of timetables in such a way that children would not need to carry a lot of heavy books in one day.
25,531 children, along with 3,476 teachers, 1,832 Learning Support Assistants, and 455 members of the senior management team returned to state primary and secondary schools last Monday.
“The beginning of this scholastic year marks important policy landmarks which continue the government’s plans to improve the education system in Malta,” an education ministry statement said.
The ministry said that during this summer 'millions' were poured into schools’ infrastructure in a bid to improve the school environment for children and staff alike.
This year also marks the second year of a six-year cycle which will see a changeover to a co-education system at Secondary level.
“It’s completely ridiculous to have kids of both sexes together at all ages, but not between 11 and 16,” Education Minister Evarist Bartolo told MaltaToday. “Other countries who, for religious reasons, keep boys and girls segregated…we can understand that culture, but why should we have it here?”
The Middle School concept, whereby Forms 1 and 2 will be distanced from 3, 4 and 5, is also another important policy pillar for the education ministry.