MUT says Skola Sajf investigations vindicated criticism
MUT says investigations on Skola Sajf fiasco confirmed its concerns

The Malta Union of Teachers today expressed satisfaction at the conclusions of the investigation related to the Skola Sajf saga, noting that the findings “practically confirmed what the Union has been saying all along.”
The board of inquiry tasked with investigating the causes into the fiasco and the subsequent delayed opening of SkolaSajf and Klabb 3-16 concluded that the situation was a direct result of lack of administrative responsibility by both the Foundation for Educational Services (FES) and the Directorate for Educational Services (DES).
The inquiry found the position of Roderick Agius, as CEO of the FES, “no longer tenable” as he has now “lost all moral authority with staff and stakeholders”.
The Union said that it had been in constant contact with Heads of Schools and coordinators and had outlined the disastrous situation, including “understaffed centres and arrogant reactions by the Foundation for Educational Services to requests for staffing, lack of provisions to replace teachers attending in-service courses and staffing with persons who are not trained or licensed to teach.”
Moreover, MUT said that the report states that the union was the first to notify the education minister about the shortcomings in the Skola Sajf preparations.
“This shows once again that the Union is well in touch with the realities its members are facing and that it has been providing constructive criticism in situations where it feels there could, or should, be improvement for the benefit of all.”