Green jobs could help women contribute more to the economy
European studies, conducted by the Commission and other agencies, show that women participate less in employment sectors linked to ecology as well as in decision-making processes related to climate change.

The Labour party’s women’s group Nisa Laburisti has expressed the hope that green jobs could be an opportunity for women to contribute to the economy.
NL president Claudette Abela Baldacchino, Secretary General Monica Farrugia and finance Chair Marisa Ciappara paid a courtesy visit to the minister for sustainability and the environment Leo Brincat.
Baldacchino said that green jobs and other initiatives are tools that help women make a positive impact on the economy.
She went on to say that European studies, conducted by the Commission and other agencies, show that women participate less in employment sectors linked to ecology as well as in decision-making processes related to climate change.
The European Commission recommends that such a deficit could be reversed by overcoming stereotypes relating to women in this sector and educational and professional prejudice on the basis of gender.
Emerging employment in sectors such as air quality control, renewal of abandoned sites and others, which are subject to less gender discrimination, could act as good examples to ensure equal employment opportunity in ecological sectors.
On his part, Minister Leo Brincat said that a strategy to facilitate more such opportunities is underway in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Employment.
Brincat said that within his ministry, women occupy 60% of the most senior positions.