PN accuses Muscat of 'insensitivity' towards Attard, Sliema residents

The Nationalist Party has stepped up its pressure on the PL in the wake of a court judgement that has found a PL councillor in Attard, guilty of vandalizing the locality’s church parvis.

In a statement, the PN said that two days have passed since PL councillor John Bonnici was handed a five month prison term that was suspended for a year, but the PL has since kept silent and apparently did nothing to seek his resignation.

“This silence proves labour’s weakness in front of corruption and from taking action against those  who’s conduct is unbefitting,” adding that a clear example is how the PL defended the former Sliema Mayor who admitted to the police that he asked for bribes.

The PN accused labour leader Joseph Muscat of putting aside the interests of residents and stressed that he betrayed the same Sliema residents who’s votes were necessary for him to be elected to parliament after Joseph Cuschieri gave up his seat for him.

Ian George Walker
This is a pathetic attempt by the PN to limit the damage it has suffered recently. The attempts to blow up this mini-event are laughable. I'm surprised that MaltaToday is giving space to this puerility.