Alternattiva Demokratika accuses Michael Falzon of fanaticism for 'stupid' moratorium comments

AD slams Labour Party’s spokesperson on home affairs and immigration for deriding the idea of a moratorium on fireworks production as ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’.

Alternattiva Demokratika has hit out at statements by Michael Falzon, shadow home affairs minister and legal representative for the Malta Pyrotechnics Association, for calling a proposed moratorium on fireworks production ‘ridiculous’ and ‘stupid’.

“Falzon is confirming his and the PL’s priorities in politics are not saving human lives but trying to get as many votes possible, at all costs, from the fireworks ‘dilettantes’,” Ralph Cassar, AD secretary-general said.

"A moratorium would only add to existing pressures on the industry,” Dr Michael Falzon warned in an interview with MaltaToday. “It would punish everybody indiscriminately, regardless of whether or not they had been guilty of breaching regulations. And rather than control fireworks production, it would actually drive the industry underground, where it would be impossible to regulate at all.”

The idea for a moratorium on fireworks production was first floated by The Times, and has since been endorsed by Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party, as well as numerous individuals including the former Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Brigadier Carmel Vassallo.

However, both the Labour and Nationalist parties immediately shot down the idea, eliciting criticism from AD on the grounds that “votes were being put before lives”.

But Michael Falzon – who is also a self-avowed fireworks enthusiast, and legal representative of the Malta Pyrotechnics Association – flatly rejects this sort of criticism as baseless.

“There is nothing political about it at all,” he contends. “Those who are claiming that this has to do with votes are being unrealistic and irresponsible.”

On the contrary, Falzon claims that a moratorium would be objectionable on purely practical grounds, as it could conceivably precipitate more accidents in future.

“Let’s imagine a moratorium is imposed for, say, three months until the investigations are concluded. What happens when the time elapses? In the aftermath, there will be a mad rush to manufacture fireworks in a hurry… and that’s when accidents are likely to happen.”

But Cassar accused Falzon of providing excuses that betray "his fanaticism in the face of repeated accidents and deaths."

"Falzon mentions a rush to produce fireworks once a  moratorium is over. Not if authorities are serious enough and limit the material available to firework factories. Not if the moratorium period covers all the feasts for a long enough period to prevent hasty work. Not if all material is quarantined with immediate effect,” Cassar said.

Cassar said that if Falzon did not recognise the seriousness of the situation pending the inquiry, the fireworks lobby “should not be considered responsible enough to be licensed to go anywhere near fireworks.”

In the same interview, Falzon defends himself from criticism that his role as legal advisor to the fireworks lobby is incompatible with his official position as shadow minister for home affairs – in which guise he would have to regulate the fireworks industry if Labour wins the next election.

He also sees as ‘irrelevant’ the fact that one of the country’s leading importers of fireworks materials happens to be the father of Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

However, Michael Falzon does concede that his own ‘plan’ for the future of the local fireworks industry is likely to prove controversial.

This plan features State financial assistance to the Malta Pyrotechnics Association; more MEPA permits issued for the construction of new fireworks facilities; and a revamp of existing regulations governing the fireworks manufacturing process, which he claims have not been updated since 1980.

minnfommirrih raises a good point. There should be enough financial coverage to cater for any kind of accident. Anyone who says it was an act of god and victims should be consoled with such idiotic comments - should maybe blow up his own property, kill a family member or blow himself up to see how that feels. BTW - To all the pro-firework people who have hastened to start blogging, how about paying a few thousand each to repair some of the damage done. I am sure god will reward you for such generosity.
Pl with be better off without Michael Falzon. With people like him around in the party - it will fail to be an option for the middle class. Since the middle class has become a numerous part of the electorate - they better get used to being the loser for a whole lot longer. Another observation is how many new people have subscribed and starting posting comments - and lo and behold they are pro-fireworks. Did someone say we should feel sorry for the victims and remember them in our prayers. Was he thinking about the innocent people they killed when he was saying that ? How selfish can a human being get. Not one apology, justifying their actions to the end.
Gilbert Bartolo
I believe the explosives expert and not PL and PN Danny. No further comments.
Fabian Schembri
What's ridiculous is people dying for nothing! It's about time the authorities put their foot down and come up with rules for this dangerous (Past time) Hobby. For some reason action is always taken when it's too late here in Malta like for instance installing speed cameras at locations where fatal accidents have taken place! Fire works are great to watch and a very huge well done to the people who manufacture them but it's time to have a number of strict guidlines to minimize the amount of fatalities.
Monique Cauchi
If as you say Dr.Falzon 'knows with a high percentage of experience, why are these accidents are happening' don't you think he should tell everyone so further accidents could be prevented? Danny Attard. First of all Danny I'm not one of those who see people who make fireworks as illiterate. I actually have a great deal of respect for these people as I look upon them as masters of their art. You don't win world championships by being stupid. Just wanted to get that off my chest. I understand what you are saying Danny about the risks involved in manufacturing fireworks and that the risk to a certain degree can be contained by isolating the factories and by staying away from these areas and allowing the people to get on with their art. The problem is Danny that the fireworks once made are not set off from that isolated site, but transported from the site to some other area, which usually entails them having to pass through a village. I think you will agree that the biggest danger in the past has been during the mixing process and that once the fireworks were fully assembled for transport they were considered safe, or as safe as could be. The problem now Danny is happening at this end stage, which should be safe, or as safe as these things, can ever be since they are huge explosive devices. My main concern Danny is that the problem will turn out to be unstable chemicals purchased from China. If that is the case there are more out there waiting to bite. Don't you think it is therefore a good idea to err on the side of caution rather than risk further loss of life?
I have my concerns on how a moratorium can pose greater risk to the general public myself included. I am not convinced that the two parties are against a moratorium for the sake of votes. Looking at the emotional aspect of the issue and how it has been miilked even by some of the comments on this post, I would think that the opposite may actually be the case. That accidents happened involving innocents has no bearing on the extent to which such incidents may happen as a result of a moratorium. My perception is a simple one ... those who produce fireworks have a singular enthusiasm for what they do. They know the risks and so it is best that these risks are contained within clearly confined areas where you and I can stay away from if fireworks get up your nose as much as they get up mine. A moratorium is equivalent to a perforated appendix, thanks to simplistic reasoning that ignores key facts. So now please deal with this argumentation and if it at all possible stay away from the patronising part. Thanks
Mark Fenech
Those who criticised Dr.Falzon's comments, are just armchair critics who are not able to show their full name and their hidden agendas. How many of them are participants in voluntary organisations? How many of them are ready to contribute towards better standards in the manufacturing of fireworks. How many of them went to see the film 'XRAR' which was in the cinemas this year so that they will become more conversant with what actually happens. Dr. Falzon's comments are correct because he is a participant and know the feelings of those who manufacture fireworks and probably he also knows with a high percentage of experience, why are these accidents are happening. Regret to write that most of the accidents we had this year and also in previous years were in fireworks factories which are either independent and therefore they are just contractors waiting for orders just to come in, irrespective if the weather is appropriate for the manufacturing of fireworks or in factories which do additional work for other feasts and therefore they have to rush to meet the deadlines. Manufacturing of fireworks requires great attention, it is already a risk manufacturing fireworks, let alone rushing to meet the deadlines. Let us pray for the victims and hope that those who manufacture fireworks irrespective if they are volunteers or contractors, would learn not to rush things and do not accept late orders. Their manufacturing programme should be set early in the year so that they will work diligently and without any hassle to meet deadlines. I as secretary to one of the most active fireworks factory, make it a point that each time I meet the licencee, I ask him to ensure we do not rush things and better make less fireworks rather than hurry to manufacture more. Our fireworks factory, do not manufacture fireworks, except for the feast of our Patron Saint Philip, and they enjoy the summer for the manufacturing of fireworks do not start before the summer heat has gone.
Mr.Falzon as the legal representative of the Malta Pyrotechnics Association, here is the dilemma that I have with people of your ilk. Every fireworks factory should be Licensed; Bonded and Heavily Insured for every possible disaster like this recent one in Gharb Gozo. You as the legal representative should ensure that every fireworks factory has ample coverage in Bonds & Insurance. Truthfully if your members wish to blow themselves up, as a society we cannot be held responsible unless we contribute the funds that keep this industry so irresponsible towards their families and their neighbours. Perhaps they might even join Al Qaeda and become one of their Martyrs. The Government, the Opposition and Society in general should shoulder the blame for not ensuring that those who choose to go into this business, do not leave behind spouses burdened with raising their children alone while probably having to do without the breadwinner who chose to disregard his responsabilities to his family in favour of a very dangerous undertaking. The Judicial System through our Courts ought to ensure that every damage done to neighbours and their habitat are rightfully compensated. Enough is Enough. No more Deaths. No more Damage and No more excuses.
Albert Mallia
I am not that naive to believe BOTH political parties that this has nothing to do with votes. This is the sixth explosion we had this year and after the last one where six lives were lost, I would have expected BOTH parties to come to an agreement to stop this nonsense immediately until serious, repeat serious regulations come in place. That is the least that the majority of the citizens expected.
austin farrugia
pls people stop being stupid with all these comments. i dont know how times of malta and alternativa came out with this stupid suggestion!!!!!!!!!!! i work fireworks myself and i knew dr falzon for sometime he sure doesent like that these accidents happen! all i know that with this stupid suggestion of moratorium surly more accidents will happen so pls grow up and shut up once and forever
Abbas Ali Rajput
I only met Dr.Falzon recently and being politically an opposite to his colour, I am sure that like most serious fireworks professionals, he is very much willing to know from the inquiry what might have been the cause of the tragedy. The true fanatics like gozoman and others only come up with empty arguments. Maybe it is alternattiva demokratika which is trying to ride the anti-fireworks lobby to gain votes given that other issues have not raised votes in the past!!!!!!!! As a licenced fireworks enthiusiast myself, we too suffered a big tragedy with the loss of Mario Dimech just two days before the Santa Marija feast in Mosta. It will be difficult to come up scientifically what happened that day. It was a good move to set up a board to come to a conclusion what happened in these recent tragedies. Just one last thing, for all those who criticise the fireworks enthiusiasts as illiterate like ex teacher in the times, stupid and others I say.....the ability of the maltese pyrotechnicians is to prevent a sure reaction in a fireworks mix, have it processed and pressed, installed as a firework and have it exploded in the sky...........just for illiteracy!!!!! It is just that a small disattention will be very cruel in fireworks and when you are on top like any other sports or activity with a dangerous element, the consequences are high.....these we must prevent at all cost. The maltese pyrothecnics are masters of their own, two first places in Rome and Barcellona in these recent months just for the information!!!!! All those who lost their lives in fireworks tragedies should be remembered with dignity and in our prayers............
His approach is mostly be pretend he is one of them - mostly a dumb shit. He thinks it ingratiates him with that part of the electorate who would be suspicious of an educated professional know-it-all and feel more comfortable with one of their own. Dear Michael - you took that strategy too far - so far in fact that i might think you are not just pretending to be a dumb shit. On a different issue - how many tonnes of firework material is injected into our environment every year. I want to understand what is the industry's idea of 'trace amount' (measured in metric tonnes). The fireworks has become an exercise in intimidation. I wonder what they would think if i went to wash my car in front of their house once a year - yet they feel entitled to traumatize children, pollute and damage property and hurt and maim people. The issue is the excess. I can understand the occasional beer - but these people are intoxicated, dangerous and in our midst. What happened to the child who was burned by an unexploded petard? I wonder if 'Charlton' looked up that family to see if they needed anything.
Gilbert Bartolo
Without a moratorium one person blew up houses in Naxxar and killed himself (ahjar ghalih) and an innocent woman... that's what authorities are for to enforce SERIOUS issues (as opposed to a few teenage boys swimming naked)... and anyway fireworks have to be let off so illegal fireworks manufacturers are easy to identify. And isn't material controlled? So quit making excuses Danny!
Perhaps you may want to give us all a guarantee that authorities can ensure that a moratorium will not expose residents to any risk from underground firework activity. While at it you may perhaps also want to explain how the authorities have performed in their regulatory duties. You do not seem too confident that they have done a sufficiently good job given doubts expressed. Common sense suggests that your questions should be addressed at the regulator. Having said that I must congratulate you on the energy with which you defend the interests of us all. I would however not included that exclamation mark...;)
Monique Cauchi
Of course the very idea of a moratorium on fireworks production is ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’. I mean who cares why people are dying at the end of the day. Is this guy a total idiot or what? Can Michael Falzon issue a guarantee that there will be no further accidents with regard to fireworks? Can he say that the reasons for the explosions are not down to the purchase of cheap chemicals from China? Can he further assure the public that similar unstable chemicals are not sitting in any other factories at the moment? If he can state this and give the public a guarantee in writing to that effect then perhaps a moratorium is not necessary. If he can't give such a guarantee then he should shut up.
Gilbert Bartolo
What rush? stop them for a whole year... if YOU ARE SERIOUS ABUOT THINGS a sacrifice of 1 year without fireworks will NOT KILL YOU (pun intended)... if you cannot stomach that then you are a crazed fanatic and should not be left to go anywhere near fireworks, you're too blinded by fanaticism to see sense
Peter Paul Azzopardi
Michael Falzon with all due respect you should resign from the PL immediately and continue to defend the 'stupid' and 'ridiculous' fireworks you love so much under a different persona, not under PL's name. You are doing more harm than good to the PL. Who said that a moratorium should be placed for only 3 months ? Rush ? A moratorium of more than a year will result in no rush :) Underground ? Let's not be still shall we ?
Albert Zammit
I think readers with some salt in their brains know who is being stupid, baseless and irresponsible. Michael Falzon cannot wear two hats. But well, ... we know him, hux.
But wait, why are some people saying that they go underground ? Still they need to fire really & truly if they do they will be caught in the act.I don t think that if they go underground they are going to keep them as trophies !
godwin scerri
Is this Michael Falzon the MP or is he Michael Falzon the legal consultant of the fireworks factories ?
Good point. Today we can safely say where those manufacturing the stuff are and can distance them from innocent bystandards (although I must say that as an occassional visitor to the San Dimitri chappel I was taken aback by the relative dangers to visitors of the area). Going undeerground may mean that people may be manufacturing the stuff next door. No thank you.