Anti-TTIP activists barred from holding debate at Europe House

Front against TTIP (Malta) prohibited from using Europe House to discuss EU-related TTIP issue

Critics are concerned that the agreement will drive down standards of consumer protection and food safety and will cost jobs
Critics are concerned that the agreement will drive down standards of consumer protection and food safety and will cost jobs

Activists opposing the free trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the US government were this morning prohibited from organising a public dialogue at the EU commission's seat in Europe House, Valletta.

The Front was going to participate in the global call of action on the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). 

"We are baffled that Europe House, which has hosted a wide range of events related to EU policy, is prohibiting a civil society coalition from discussing the EU's proposed trade and investment partnership with the USA".

 Various civil society coalitions across the world are participating in this campaign.

"We support the global call of action against the proposed TTIP, as it threatens workers' rights, environmental protection, consumer rights and public services. Multinational corporations will have the right to take action against democratically-elected national Governments through the bypassing of national and European courts," the front said.

The front added that it is supporting the self-organised European Citizens' Initiative on the matter, through which signatures will be collected all over the EU to protest against the TTIP process.

Citizens may sign the petition at

Social Europe - Front Against TTIP (Malta) is made up of Zminijietna - Voice of the Left; Anti-Poverty Alliance; Moviment Graffitti; Association of Federative Socialists; GWU Youth, ADZ - Green Youths; Friends of the Earth Malta; Partit Komunista Malti; Garden of Knowledge (Malta).