Jumbo screen outside ONE studios not covered by permit
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, parliamentary secretary for planning Michael Falzon say no conditions or limitations can be imposed pending permit approval

A jumbo screen set up outside ONE studios in Marsa is not covered by a MEPA permit, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has confirmed.
He was replying to a parliamentary question raised by Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi and subsequent questions raised by PN MP Claudette Buttigieg.
The jumbo screen is used for commercial purposes, airing adverts in both video and picture format.
There currently is a pending application – PA2112/14 – that sanctions the existing LED advanced electronic billboard.
Due to previous tribunal decisions and a 2010 legal notice, the owners of the jumbo screen – ONE Productions – are not forced to remove it.
The same situation exists with other jumbo screens, some of which are located in Marsa as well, Falzon said.
Pending the MEPA permit, the jumbo screen is technically “sanctioned”, primarily based on decisions taken by the tribunal in the past.