President launches 2014 l-Istrina campaign
This year's campaign will also include a youth version of L-Istrina 'Solidaritree' and a L-Istrina event in Gozo.

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca launched this year’s L-Istrina campaign that will include nine large activities aimed at fundraising for the Malta Community Chest Fund.
“This year’s L-Istrina needs to be a large feast of solidarity,” Coleiro Preca said. “Since I’ve been President, the requests and costs of help, particularly for the cure of cancer in children, have greatly increased.”
This year’s activities will include the annual piggy bank campaign, sports activities, the sale of the latest edition of the recipe book ‘Tisjir mill-Qalb’, a national bike race with both bicycles and motorcycles, an arts auction, a fun run, and the motoring event ‘Paqpaqli ghall-Istrina’.
This year’s L-Istrina will also, for the first time, include the youth’s L-Istrina ‘Solidaritree’ on 19 December. There will also be a L-Istrina in Gozo on Christmas Day.