Next Archbishop: Holy See’s representative can have influential role

Apostolic Nuncio in Malta will draw up list of three candidates and report on each possible successor, that will influence Pope Francis’s decision

Apostolic Nuncio Aldo Cavalli and Maltese President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca (Photo: Clifton Fenech/DOI)
Apostolic Nuncio Aldo Cavalli and Maltese President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca (Photo: Clifton Fenech/DOI)

Canon 401 §1 of the Code of Canon Law states that diocesan bishops must submit their resignation to the pope on reaching the age of 75, but those who ask to resign before – like Paul Cremona – set in motion an important process of succession.

His resignation letter, now in the hands of the Apostolic Nuncio, the pope’s representative, will be forwarded to the Congregation for Bishops, which takes it to the pope: if Cremona’s resignation is accepted with immediate effect, the episcopal see becomes vacant on publication of the pope’s decision.

However, the post may not become vacant until the appointment of a successor.

One important element in selecting a bishop is the list of priests, of both the diocesan and the religious clergy, that the bishops of the ecclesiastical province judge to be suitable generically for appointment as bishops.

They are required to draw up this list at least once every three years, so that it is always recent.

When it comes to a concrete appointment, the Nuncio can ask Cremona, or vicar general Fr Anton Gouder, to draw up a report on its situation and the needs.

The Nuncio will consult the other bishops, the president of the bishops conference, and at least some members of the college of consultors and the cathedral chapter.

He may also consult others, whether clergy, diocesan or religious, and “lay persons of outstanding wisdom”.

He then decides on a short list, or terna, of three candidates for further investigation and seeks precise information on each of them.

He will send to the Holy See the terna, together with all the information that has been gathered on them and accompanying the information with the conclusions that he himself draws from the evidence.

Qualities of the next archbishop

The qualities that a candidate must have are listed in canon 378 §1.

As well as being at least 35 years old and a priest for at least 5 years, he should be “outstanding in strong faith, good morals, piety, zeal for souls, wisdom, prudence and human virtues”, and should possess the other qualities needed for fulfilling the office in question; and he should be well versed in sacred Scripture, theology and canon law and, preferably, hold a doctorate in one of these fields.

The Congregation for Bishops studies the documentation provided by the nuncio, taking into consideration his opinion, but not necessarily accepting it. It might even reject all the candidates he has proposed and ask him to prepare another list, or it might ask him to provide more information on one or more of the priests who have already been presented.

When the Congregation decides on which priest should be appointed, it presents its conclusions to the pope, asking him to make the appointment.

If he agrees, the papal act is communicated to the nuncio for him to obtain the consent of the priest to his appointment and to choose a date for its publication.

The newly appointed bishop is obliged to get episcopal consecration within three months of the arrival the papal bull of his appointment, which is usually prepared only at least a month after the publication.

Bringing the process to a conclusion obviously requires much time, usually taking at least nine months, and it may on occasions take up to two years.