PN deputy leader undergoes surgery
Beppe Fenech Adami undergoes four-hour surgery at a London hospital

Beppe Fenech Adami
The deputy leader of the Nationalist Party, Beppe Fenech Adami, today underwent surgery to remove a 15cm malignant tumour from his right shoulder.
The operation at a London hospital lasted four hours and a half and the medical team is reported to be satisfied with the outcome.
CT scans taken in July found that the tumour had not spread.
“I will fight it and I promise you that I will get better and my energy will once again be focused on the party,” Fenech Adami had said during a public event organised by the PM to mark Malta’s 50th Independence Day anniversary.
In parliament, the two sides of the House and Speaker Anglu Farrugia augured Fenech Adami a quick recovery.