Church warns Gozitans to stay away from anti-Christian Halloween
This week Gozitans got a stern warning from the Church to stay away from celebrating Halloween

Gozitans who are planning to throw a costume party, watch a horror movie or go out trick-or-treating this evening, should think twice before going ahead with their plans. Celebrating Halloween could land you in hot water according to the Gozitan Church.
The latest edition of the Gozitan Diocese’s news pamphlet distributed to all households, included a flyer which warned Gozitans that “celebrating Halloween is like inviting the devil to one’s home and life.”
Quoting an article published by the Vatican’s newspaper Osservatore Romano, the Gozitan Church – led by the conservative Bishop Mario Grech - warned the faithful against celebrating the anti-Christian feast which “nears children and youths to the world of magic and attacks all that is sacred and spiritual by introducing people to the occult.”
The Church said “regrettably the Halloween feast is being celebrated on a large scale in Malta. Sadly it is being celebrated in schools, youth centres, entertainment spots and offices.”
Pointing out that the feast marks the beginning of the magic new year, the Gozitan Church said that “the feast was created to oust All Saints’ Day.”
The pamphlet lists a number of reasons why Catholics should refrain from celebrating Halloween, which is described as a pagan feast, which “celebrates the victory of death over life, darkness over light.”
Warning that Catholics cannot engage in occult practices and rites, it added that the feast is used as an occasion to celebrate “the occult, magic and Satanism.”
The origin of the feast can be traced to an ancient pagan festival celebrated by Celts over 2,000 years ago and over the centuries it transformed itself into a medieval feast to remember Christian martyrs. The name itself has Christian origins and is derived from All Hallows Eve when prayers are offered for the souls of the dead.
Then in 18th century Ireland, Halloween became a day for playing pranks which was later exported to the US by migrants some 100 years ago. Nowadays, the feast is second only to Christmas in terms of sales, making it an annual appointment for some mischief, fun and profit.