Labour candidate’s attack on L-Istrina ‘shocking’ – Aditus

Labour Party instructs candidate seeking casual election to Parliament to remove offensive Facebook posts

Robert Henry Bugeja
Robert Henry Bugeja

A Labour candidate seeking a casual election on the seat vacated by former minister Karmenu Vella has attracted the opprobrium of human rights NGO aditus foundation, who dubbed his Facebook tirade urging people not to donate to l-Istrina, claiming that the President was forcing the Maltese to integrate with African migrants.

One such post features a photo of a vessel loaded with irregular migrants with the caption “President’s charity ride”.

“Holding such views is ultimately an exercise of one’s freedoms, yet we have often strongly reiterated the social responsibility borne by individuals and organisations that are in a position of public influence,” Aditus said in a statement.

“Bugeja’s resorting to Facebook to type messages of hatred, ridicule the President of the Malta and encourage social selfishness is far from mature, sensitive and constructive. To do this by launching a public attack against Malta’s largest solidarity activity, through which the lives of thousands of persons are dramatically improved, is beyond shocking.”

The Labour government yesterday launched a tax rebate system for businesses donating over €2,000 to the Malta Community Chest Fund, which is chaired by the President, and organises the Christmas charity telethon L-Istrina.

The Labour Party is still supporting Bugeja fill the parliamentary seat vacated by Karmenu Vella, despite objecting to a number of anti-migration comments he made.

A PL spokesman told The Times that the party “totally disagrees with Mr Bugeja’s posts”, insisting they did not reflect the party’s position and policy. The spokesman said the party had spoken toBugeja who agreed to delete the posts in question. The offending posts were removed Thursday morning. The page also still features an October 25 post with a picture of a migrants' boat and a call for a referendum for Malta to leave the EU

“It is also distressing to note the political unaccountability for such immaturity. In a year when Malta is moving steadily ahead in other human rights areas, we would have expected to hear and see the same level of energy dedicated to a harsh and significant condemnation of Mr. Bugeja’s blatant racism,” Aditus said.

“By failing to do so, the government has reiterated its position that some human beings are more deserving of human rights protection than others.”