Updated | Government non-committal on ODZ hotels in the south

A brief by privatisation unit proposes the development of 3 brand new hotels located on pristine land between Zonqor Point and Smart City.

view from zonqor point where one of the hotels is being proposed
view from zonqor point where one of the hotels is being proposed

A government spokesperson told MaltaToday that the paper by the Privatisation Unit proposing the development of three hotels on pristine public land between Smart City and Zonqor Point is simply an analysis of the situation in the Southern part of the island, “which has been neglected for a long time.”

He added that the paper is part of an exercise to identify opportunities and “has not been discussed, let alone decided upon, at government level.”

A brief paper prepared by the government's privatisation unit is proposing three hotels  on virgin land stretching from Smart City to Żonqor Point in the south of Malta. The development will also feature a promenade and a beach club, all built on public land outside development zones.

A report on the Times of Malta reveals that the  briefing paper was  prepared by the government’s privatisation unit on the request of the chairman of the Consultative Council for the South, Labour MP Silvio Parnis.

The briefing paper s will be discussed at the next council meeting on Thursday. Council members include Malta Developers Association president Sandro Chetcuti, who is backing the development.

The Times reports that the three hotels will  consist of a five-star hotel close to Smart City, a boutique hotel located within Fort Leonardu “for a unique experience”, and an iconic hotel that would “symbolise a truly romantic Mediterranean backdrop” at the furthermost tip of Żonqor Point.