Frendo to meet Fini in Rome
Speaker Michael Frendo will travel to Rome this week, where he will be received by his Italian counterpart Gianfranco Fini, and will participate in the launch of a book by Marco Angelelli.
The book, ‘Welcome new Italian citizen – A guide through the Constitution for foreign citizens’ will be launched at Palazzo Marini in Rome on Wednesday.
Gianfranco Fini, leader of the second largest party in Berlusconi’s coalition centre-right government is currently in the eye of a political storm, with Berlusconi urging his resignation as Speaker of the Lower House in Rome.
Fini is being accused of disloyalty towards the Partito delle Liberta’ (PDL) and of acting politically, rather that impartially as Speaker of the House.
He has been embroiled in an internal party issue related to the administration of his former AN (Alleanza Nazionale) wealth, while using an apartment in Montecarlo.
Michael Frendo and Gianfranco Fini have a longstanding friendship.
Both were Foreign Ministers for Malta and Italy respectively, while they both sat on the forum for the establishment of a Constitution for Europe. Frendo and Fini sat next to each other through the two years of EU debate in Brussels and Starsbourg.