PN councillor signs no confidence motion in Cyrus Engerer as Sliema deputy mayor, 'They are targeting me because I'm gay'

Designated Sliema PN deputy mayor Cyrus Engerer has reacted to the news about a motion of no confidence brought forward against his nomination, claiming he is being targeted for "obvious reasons" - namely because he is openly gay.

The PN has been stunned by the motion that was signed by a mix of PL, independent and also a PN councillor.

The motion is signed by PL councillors Martin Debono, Marianne Aquilina and Nicolai Gauci,former mayor Nikki Dimech and independent councillor Sandra Camilleri, both of whom recently resigned, and also includes PN councilor Edward Cuschieri. The six councillors say that they all disagree with Cyrus Engerer being appointed deputy mayor as  “he doesn’t have the experience or the maturity for the post.”

Cuschieri had originally signed the no confidence motion in Nikki Dimech as mayor and had in fact voted to have him ousted earlier this month. 

He had told MaltaToday that he had signed the motion presented to him by PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier "to toe the party line," stopping short if had been coerced into signing the document.

The group of councilors is proposing Edward Cuschieri (PN) for the post of deputy mayor instead, stressing that Cuschieri "has been very active within the council both as a volunteer and a councillor."

The council has to formally meet on September 22, when newly elected PN mayor Joanna Gonzi will formally start her business and reportedly propose Cyrus Engerer as her deputy.

Speaking from Brussels, Cyrus Engerer expressed his 'surprise' at the motion, 'seemingly' piloted by the PL and led by councillor Martin Debono who has publicly stood up for ousted mayor Nikki Dimech.

"If the PL councillors are saying that I am young and immature for the post, this is a clear sign of no confidence in all youth, and is hypocritical of Labour as it pushed Dingli mayor Ian Borg who was only 18 when he took office and stood for consecutive elections, and recently pushed for and elected Byron Camilleri as mayor at 22 years of age."

With regards to the accusation of inexperience, Cyrus Engerer stated that he holds a Masters degree in Political Sciences from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.

Cyrus Engerer had piloted the no-confidence motion in deposed mayor Nikki Dimech after his arrest and arraignment over allegedly asking for a commission from a council contractor.

Meanwhile, Facebook pages named ‘Solidarjeta’ ma’ Nikki Dimech’ and ‘Hbieb ta’ Nikki Gelanze’ have been set up since Nikki Dimech’s arraignment in Court and ousting as Sliema Mayor, are collecting messages against Cyrus Engerer.

Senior PN sources have told MaltaToday that the motion - presented today at the Sliema local council offices ahead on the September 22 meeting - caught the PN by surprise, and infuriated PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier.

MaltaToday is informed that the motion "totally upsets" the PN plans for Sliema after it tried to recoup from the damage caused to the PN's stronghold and resume business as usual after voting in Joanna Gonzi as new mayor.

Christian Attard
First of all your insultive and stupid and waste of time by checking the % of how many users applied shows how desperate you are. 2nd the website which heads "Sliema Deserves Better" have no comments - so 0%. Thirdly dont you think it is time that you and your PN or even maybe close cllose PBO shut it up on Dimech's life. You know why he resigned from the MIT - he dedicated more time to the council just as he stopped lecturing, losing a good flow of income and this is the thanks he gets. At least Dimech employs any color, even gays, whatever as long as they have a heart of gold and not of ice like Cyrus. He cries out for Deomcracy now when Dimech alone got 1800 votes more than (Joanna + Cyrus + Julian + Edward) all together and then you say democratic just coz he got more than 10 votes more than the Russian puppet. Regarding Dimech, he has no government tender, he doesnt depend on the state to live and doesnt need to be an EU expert to earn a living which by the way it seems like the MASTERS EU MAN Engerer didnt even get €1 of funds towards the council. Then Dimiech is accused for asking 5 to 10 % on a basic wage of €1200 and then take to court with emergency on an August night. Ara go and buy 2 TUBI's use one yourself for the waste of llight and also ask Cyrus to use it to save some lite. Wonder TUBU you are.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
The PN wants you in the Party so that they can keep up their homophobic policies and attract some gay voters at the same time. They are a bunch of hypocrites and you should run away from them. (What I'm suggesting is that you resign from the Party, NOT the council into which you were democratically elected).
Mario Pisani
This is about Cyrus' ridiculous obsession with being a prima donna in whatever he does. By presenting the first motion, Cyrus had a conflict of interest since he would have benefitted from the outcome of that motion. For Cyrus, politics is not about serving the people but about serving himself and interests irrespective of whether they conform to his party's stand or not. This was evident when he said that he would contest with PL if they proposed gay marriages such is his loyalty. His political activism is an individualist one which is based solely on what he wants and PN is just a platform for him to push forward his agenda. Doing so whilst occupying higher ranks can only strengthen his position and Cyrus is well aware of this so let us all hope that this motion of no confidence goes ahead and that Edward Cuschieri stands by the position taken up to now.
Christopher Galea Scannura
If you ever attended a council meeting, you would understand why the councillors (not only the PL ones) think he is unfit due to his immaturity...It has nothing to do with not giving youth a chance...It is based on the individual's capacity and the perception of a group of people who have worked with him for a year. Someone who intentionally helps hault works in Sliema for the past months just for the pleasure of blaming it on the previous mayor and reach the goals, with the final aim of becoming Vice Mayor is a very immature person, just like the ones who went along with his game including the new Mayor. The enthusiasim to "do" things in the locality could have been done before too as the council is run collectively...but it seems that he is interested only if he holds a certain position.
The Australian parliament now has a twenty-year old conservative MP. Youth does not gain experience so long as the older generations deny them that experience. While I am generally sympathetic towards the PL and assuming there are no other issues with Cyrus, I think the PL (yes the PL) should show some support for Cyrus.
Carmen Borg
A.BORG You just said it!!!!!
Christopher Galea Scannura
I have read the law and that is why I dare speak..unlike you who is just quoting or repeating what you hear...If it was not so why do you come out so aggresively in your comments? Why are you so irritated at this motion? Do you really believe or want others to believe that 6 councillors do not know the law and put forward a motion irresponsibly? If what you say is right, why would Cyrus panic? Why would the PN start blaming the PL for something they started, something that however, did not end as they planned? If you are right then go to bed and have a good night's rest, assured that your idol will get his dream goal. If things were so "automatic" why would the PN have put Ms Gonzi's name as successor of Mr Dimech to make sure she becomes mayor? There would have been no need, right??? And by the way, being rude and writing insulting adjectives does not make you any more clever.
Carmen Borg
Ma ghixthomx imma nahseb kullhadd qara l-istorja ta pajjizna. hadtha daqshekk di petto mr.michallef ghaliex ma nistghax nifhem, kif glieda bejn il-membri tal-pn qed jaraw kif ser idahhlu il-pl fin-nofs. ta l'ghageb dejjem hekk. wonderwoman ma kkwotatx biss li qal il-maltatoday imma kif stajt nifhem jien mill-kliem taghha provat iggibha li Nikki Dimech qed jinqeda bihom. Kieku vera ried jinqeda bihom missu diga keccihom mix-xoghol ghaliex il-kunsilliera laburisti estjenew fil-mozzjoni ta sfiducja u mhux ivvotaw kontra il-mozzjoni ghax kieku jien f mohhi ghandi li nuzhom ngelghom jivvotaw kontra il mozzjoni mela jestjenaw. Ghalhekk hadta daqshekk DI PETTO!!!
Clifford Galea Valletta
wonderwoman kienet (??) qed tirrepeti dak li qal il-maltatoday....kemm hadtha di petto!! fuq nota ohra...ghaliex hawn daqshekk valenu hawn...??? ejjew nirrispettaw lil xulxin u l-oppinjoni ta' haddiehor...donnok ghixthom is-sixties sur zahra...u ghadek fihom...
Carmen Borg
Mhux ahjar tirrispondi lili milli lil A Borg??? ghax ghadek ma tajtnix risposta wahda. WONDERWOMAN
Carmen Borg
Qed turi kemm ghandhek mohhok maghluq. Int qed tghid hekk ( Li jekk hemm persuna u qieghda fil-kunsill, ghanda qualifikazzjonijiet biex taghmel tip ta xoghol qieghda tfittex xoghol fuq dak li hi studjat. Mbaghad hemm is-sindku li ghandhu kumpanija dwar dan it-tip ta xoghol li dan il-kunsillier studja fuqu u ghandu bzonn in-nies. mela ghax huwa is-sindku ma jistax ihaddem lill kunsillier ermm le le int mhux hekk qed tghid, int qed tghid li ghax huwa Laburits ma ma jistax ihaddmu) Mela nigu f'dan il-PARTIT NAZZJONALISTA MISSU MA ACCETTAX PERSUNA BHAL CYRUS ENGERER LI HUWA TOTALMENT KONTRA IL-KNISJA LI IL PN TANT JEMMEN BIH, ANZI HUWA MAHLUQ MIN FUQ IL KNISJA. Kemm INT VOJT VOJT VOJT. U X'ghanda x'taqsam it-tifla ta kunsilliera bahahhu??? mela allura kif qed tighid int ha nergaw nigu fiz-zmien fejn kienu jpengu marka ta salib fejn il-bibien ta min kien laburist fis-60's. HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO 2010, 201, 2010 QIEGHDIN TA SIJEB. U nerga nghidlek li inti VOJT VOJT VOJT!!!!!!!!!!!!
quote from maltqtoday............."Meanwhile, Facebook pages named ‘Solidarjeta’ ma’ Nikki Dimech’ and ‘Hbieb ta’ Nikki Gelanze’ have been set up since Nikki Dimech’s arraignment in Court and ousting as Sliema Mayor, are collecting messages against Cyrus Engerer." BIG DEAL.....THE TWO GROUPS HAVE 100 FANS TOGETHER, OUT OF 150,000 LOCAL FACEBOOK USERS........0.0006%....GREAT SUPPORT....
Carmen Borg
Issa ma tarax li il-kunsilliera ser jiskandalizzaw ruhom ghax int GAY??!!! illum drajna nghixu f kultura totalment differenti, Gays, Str8s, pedofli, rapists min kollox. pfff tara kif ser iddawar id-diskors. Ha nghidlek jien il ala inti immatur biex ikollok dik il-pozizjoni, ghaliex meta gejtu ghal-vot ta sfiducja ta L-EX Sindku Nkki Dimech, hrigt stqarrija isek ghamilt xi kapolavur WOOOW, MA ghaddewx 30sec ghax Nikki Dimech mhux talli irrispondik imma talli waqqalek wiccek l art u gabek titkellem wahdek thares lejn il-mejda, tant hu hekk, li hrabt malli spiccat il mozzjoni, ma kellekx esperjenza u maturita bizzejjed biex tiffacja il-media u trrispondi ghal-mistoqsijiet. Ghallura issa ser tibqa tghid li qed jaghmlu hekk ghax int GAY!!! Jien li kieku flokhok nisthi immexxi il MALTA GAY RIGHTS ghaliex qed tuza lilhom biex tinqeda kemm fil-partit li huwa totalment kontra il-gays u kif kontra dawk li ma jemnux bir-religjon taghhom li int wiehed min dawk li ma temminx bir-religjon li ghandu l-partit) Imma jiddispjacini ir-risposta sibtilek jien u hafna nies ohrajn. How does it feel tasting your own Medicine CYRUS???
Daniel Salazar
It has nothing to do with being homosexual dear. It has to do with being a PRAT.
Christopher Galea Scannura
The surprised and infuriated PBO is just another show as the dear general secretary knew about this motion...Mr Cuschieri got his permission to sign it...and PBO told him he was free to do as he wished...Now he pretends he is surprised to save his face infront of Cyrus after the latter was important to help him oust Dimech...I am sorry for you Mr Engerer, but you are going to get a taste of him too. Ask your fellow PN councillor about the talk he had with PBO!!!
Christopher Galea Scannura
Does he really expect us to believe that it is because he is gay!!! Perhaps its because of the backstabbing tactics and because his hunger for power overcomes his loyalty towards the community...He has done a lot and a lot of backstabbing, including indirectly harming the party itself - and his goal was to climb up the ladder...It will be interesting to see if he will work with the same exagarated enthusiasim if he is not elected vice mayor...
charlene cassar
brown-nosing and sucking up to the 'establishment' is not enough anymore it seems !
Mario Pisani
Seems like you'll need to do some more backstabbing Cyrus to climb ranks!
Gilbert Bartolo
aqbad u ohrog mill-PN Cyrus! ir-realta hi li Nikki, Sandra u Edward kienu u ghadhom Nazzjonalisti u jirriflettu l-mentalita tal-partit nazzjonalista... dwar il-labour anqas ma nitkellmu ahjar...
Mr.Cyrus . Personally I do not know you , and if what you are saying is true that the no confidence motion was because you are gay??? if what you are saying is true than they should have the guts and say it publicly so all people will know who is discreminating. hmmm with one hand i show you something with the other i hide here- hmmm- well many young are even mayors true- so here we need a reason why the no confidence was- the age matter is not a good reason - so ,Have we here discrimination because he is gay??? Pfffttttt disgusting - does the EU know what is going around here ? can they help to make things right here- as some people who are in power think they are superhuman ? come one we are in 2010 ... I hope one day all will be in peace no matter what religion people belief or even atheists all can live together- with all respecting each other
Albert Zammit
Cyrus Engerer has been used and abused! THAT is the only experience that he lacks so much: learning to know who are his real friends. I am sorry: but it is not true that the PN is dumbfounded at this. I bet everything I have that all this came from Pieta. Pieta are now about to be rid of Cyrus Engerer! They are about to stop his political 'career'.
Albert Zammit
They are nothing but assholes! They say he doesn't have the maturity and the experience, but experience has shown that very young mayors make a difference and rise to the occasion! I mean ... look where 'maturity' and 'experience' has put the whole council! They should all take a leap! One big leap! Over a cliff! That's what they're good for.
Sejjah Elezzjoni Generali Dr Gonzi. Anqas int kapaci tmexxi Kunsill Lokali ahseb u ara pajjizna. Kif jghidu Dr Gonzi, dak li tisraq ma tgawdihx. Inti sraqt l-ahhar elezzjoni u mhux se tgawdi z-zmien tieghek ta' Prim Ministru. Lanqas shabek ma jriduk.
Herbert Agius
Dahka ohra min naha tal PN u li jaghti opinjoni cara li mhux tajjeb biex imexxi pajjiz izda mimli korruzjoni!
Christopher Galea Scannura
this guy has been posing as Vice Mayor already since the 3rd September...and saying (on his Facebook) that it is automatic and there is no need for a vote...and that work (thanks to him of couurse) has finally started etc etc...and some people have even congratulated him amongst other stupid comments!!! Had he bothered taking a look at the Local Council's Act before rushing to his "automatic" assumptions he would have made less of a fool of himself... Arent't we lucky to have councillors who do not even know the law/s of the council they form part of???