PN councillor signs no confidence motion in Cyrus Engerer as Sliema deputy mayor, 'They are targeting me because I'm gay'
Designated Sliema PN deputy mayor Cyrus Engerer has reacted to the news about a motion of no confidence brought forward against his nomination, claiming he is being targeted for "obvious reasons" - namely because he is openly gay.
The PN has been stunned by the motion that was signed by a mix of PL, independent and also a PN councillor.
The motion is signed by PL councillors Martin Debono, Marianne Aquilina and Nicolai Gauci,former mayor Nikki Dimech and independent councillor Sandra Camilleri, both of whom recently resigned, and also includes PN councilor Edward Cuschieri. The six councillors say that they all disagree with Cyrus Engerer being appointed deputy mayor as “he doesn’t have the experience or the maturity for the post.”
Cuschieri had originally signed the no confidence motion in Nikki Dimech as mayor and had in fact voted to have him ousted earlier this month.
He had told MaltaToday that he had signed the motion presented to him by PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier "to toe the party line," stopping short if had been coerced into signing the document.
The group of councilors is proposing Edward Cuschieri (PN) for the post of deputy mayor instead, stressing that Cuschieri "has been very active within the council both as a volunteer and a councillor."
The council has to formally meet on September 22, when newly elected PN mayor Joanna Gonzi will formally start her business and reportedly propose Cyrus Engerer as her deputy.
Speaking from Brussels, Cyrus Engerer expressed his 'surprise' at the motion, 'seemingly' piloted by the PL and led by councillor Martin Debono who has publicly stood up for ousted mayor Nikki Dimech.
"If the PL councillors are saying that I am young and immature for the post, this is a clear sign of no confidence in all youth, and is hypocritical of Labour as it pushed Dingli mayor Ian Borg who was only 18 when he took office and stood for consecutive elections, and recently pushed for and elected Byron Camilleri as mayor at 22 years of age."
With regards to the accusation of inexperience, Cyrus Engerer stated that he holds a Masters degree in Political Sciences from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.
Cyrus Engerer had piloted the no-confidence motion in deposed mayor Nikki Dimech after his arrest and arraignment over allegedly asking for a commission from a council contractor.
Meanwhile, Facebook pages named ‘Solidarjeta’ ma’ Nikki Dimech’ and ‘Hbieb ta’ Nikki Gelanze’ have been set up since Nikki Dimech’s arraignment in Court and ousting as Sliema Mayor, are collecting messages against Cyrus Engerer.
Senior PN sources have told MaltaToday that the motion - presented today at the Sliema local council offices ahead on the September 22 meeting - caught the PN by surprise, and infuriated PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier.
MaltaToday is informed that the motion "totally upsets" the PN plans for Sliema after it tried to recoup from the damage caused to the PN's stronghold and resume business as usual after voting in Joanna Gonzi as new mayor.