Greens call for adequate animal quarantine facilities
Alternattiva Demokratika calls for the upgrading of the present quarantine facilities and the recruitment of more qualified personnel

The Green Party voiced its concerns following media reports of 500 wild finches dying while being kept at the quarantine section as court evidence related to smuggling of same birds from Italy.
Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson Simon Galea said 'such incidents are unacceptable and AD calls upon the relevant authorities, particularly Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights Roderick Galdes, to conduct an investigation."
He added that adequate facilities together with properly trained personnel are a top priority which can only be attained through upgrading of the present quarantine facilities and the recruitment of qualified personnel and the training of present staff.
"Whilst understanding space limitations, animal welfare must always be respected and housing birds in such crammed conditions is definitely unthinkable. When space does not permit proper housing due to large numbers involved, confiscated birds should either be released with photos kept as evidence or else housed at private aviaries against payment, with expenses to be borne by the culprit," he said.