Former Sliema mayor ‘endorses Facebook group, but not comments on Engerer’

Former mayor Nikki Dimech’s proviso to endorse Facebook group is that he disagrees with comments against gay councillor.

Dimech today claimed he did not know the authors of the Facebook group, but that he “appreciated their support.”

The Facebook group ‘friends of Nikki Gelanz’ – Dimech himself says he does not know what ‘Gelanz’ means – was leading a personal campaign against gay PN councillor Cyrus Engerer.

When asked whether he endorsed the group he said he did, but he disagreed with comments made against gay councillor Cyrus Engerer, who is nominated for the post of deputy mayor of Sliema.

The group posted pictures of Engerer with his arm on the shoulder of a male friend, lifted from his own Facebook profile, and peppered it with messages of a homophobic nature. “[Is this] what Paul Borg Olivier supports for the future of Malta? Is this what our present PN adminstration supporting?

“We have nothing against gays but for sure its (sic) dangerous to have you freely do what you want/ you should have respect to the other part of the human civilisation,” the caption boldly reads.

The same caption also strangely alludes to ‘under-aged’ relationships, calling on Engerer to ‘leave under-aged boys out of [his] Facebook page.

“His sexual orientation was never an issue at council,” Dimech said.

But Dimech then claimed that Engerer’s reaction to the motion of no confidence against him was that he was trying to curry favour with the gay community, by claiming he was being targeted over his sexual orientation.

Engerer’s nomination is being challenged by a motion of no confidence signed by Dimech and councillor Sandra Camilleri – who has taken umbrage at Engerer’s activism within the gay rights movement – three Labour councillors, and a PN councillor, Edward Cuschieri, who is being pushed for the post of deputy mayor.

Speaking from Brussels, Engerer said the councillors are targeting him “for other reasons” and not because he is inexperienced for the post.

Criticism against Engerer, only recently from former PN councillor Sandra Camilleri, shows the kind of prejudice the councillor faces.

Camilleri, 63, said Engerer should have been the one who was kicked out of the party and not Nikki Dimech because “his unchristian stand” meant he did not fit into a Christian Democrat party.

Referring to the MaltaToday interview where he was open about his views on gay rights, she said:

“... I don’t think he keeps to the ethics of the party... especially the way he took part in the gay pride parade: a front-liner kissing his partner. I mean, come on, there are gays and gays. There are nice gays but they keep a low profile, they don’t boast about it. In certain positions, I think they have to be careful.”

Engerer is an outspoken gay activist. His frontline appearance at this year’s gay pride, where he was filmed kissing his companion, brought the councillor new attention.

In an interview with MaltaToday, he said he would consider voting for Labour if the party would put full marriage equality in its manifesto, saying gay marriage “makes a big difference to me.”

Gilbert Bartolo
I think the only answer to your question Truth Seeker, is (or might be) that Engerer like lots of others happens to be in the PN because of family 'tradition' and because he knows that he can go place militating with the big ones... party ideology/principles are secondary, no not even secondary...those inconveniences do not really matter these days... PN is one big skip with people like Engerer, people who are rabidly conservative, free marketeers... they couldn't care less as long as they cling to power for power's sake...values!? what are those!?
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Each year a PN hypocrite attends the gay parade and says a lot of sweet, 'politically correct' words about homosexuals, tolerance, bla bla bla. This year, a Graffitti member called their bluff and stated clearly that only AD is genuine about gays and gay rights. later on in the event, a gay person stated that while Owen Bonnici (PL) and Mike Briguglio (AD) talked from their heart, David Agius, representing the PN, just 'read a sheet of paper' Can someone explain why Cyrus Engerer is in such a Party? Don't you realise they are using you to score a couple of cheap points amongst the LGBT community?
what ethics? not to show he is gay? if he was kissing a lady is ok but a man no? come on people. don't discriminate- that is normal like a man loves a woman or a woman loves awoman- that is LOVE- there are ministers who are gays in other countries - why all this lies here in this Country or maybe the seeds of hatred, that have been seeded for many years by the church every sunday against gays etc... than they do all sorts of evil and with proof! Sandra camilleri if he should have been kicked out from the party because he kiss a man cause he is gay etc... I am sorry to say but you are living in the past- If I was you I hold back from talking about PN - cause with all my respect you was so treated badly by your party leaders - we all seen and read- don't get me wrong, cause what they did to you (is very condemnable) ..........
Christopher Galea Scannura
In politics, when you are a representative of a party, to say the least, your principles are similar to the policies and founduations of the party...The PN is a democristianic party whose PM has very openly declared he is not very sympathetic with gays (though I personally do not agree) Therefore, Cyrus being part of PN is already a contradiction in itself...being non christian and gay... Having said that however, this is definately not the reason behind the motion as he is implying...according to local council law any councillor can be nominated and if the councillors prefer Edward to Cyrus, big deal - better luck next time...why does there have to be a hidden agenda??
“... I don’t think he keeps to the ethics of the party... especially the way he took part in the gay pride parade: a front-liner kissing his partner. I mean, come on, there are gays and gays. There are nice gays but they keep a low profile, they don’t boast about it. In certain positions, I think they have to be careful.” For a fleeting moment, I tought I was reading an article from a paper from some Arab country...