PN accuses PL of supporting ‘those who give in to bribes’

The Nationalist party (PN) said in an official statement that the Labour party is going against the democratic will of the people in slamming the appointment of nationalist Sliema councillor Cyrus Engerer as deputy mayor.

The PN said “Joseph Muscat is pandering to his audience and there is a great gap between what he says and what he does.”

The PN said “Joseph Muscat is pandering to his audience and there is a great gap between what he says and what he does.”

The party added that the PL supports those who give in to bribes, referring to ousted former mayor Nikki Dimech, and discourages the political involvement of youngsters.

PN also said that through the motion brought forward by three Labour councilors which asks for Engerer to not be appointed deputy mayor of Sliema, despite him having received most votes after Mayor Joanna Gonzi, shows the Labour Party does not abide by the spirit of the law.

The party concluded by saying it will fully support the election of Engerer as deputy mayor.

Senior PN sources have told MaltaToday that the motion - presented today at the Sliema local council offices ahead on the September 22 meeting - caught the PN by surprise, and infuriated PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier.

Engerer reacted to the news about a motion of no confidence by claiming he is being targeted for "obvious reasons" - namely because he is openly gay.

the PL supports those who give in to bribes. i could not believe my eyes when i read this, everyone knows that the PN is the most corrupt political party that ever existed. What a hide, what hypocrisy what a bunch of liars.
Christopher Galea Scannura
The PN general secretary is a BIG liar...he knew about this motion before it was presented because Mr Cuschieri personally informed him about it in fear of being told what to do at a later stage. Mr Cuschieri asked his fellow PL councillors to appoint him...and they obliged, also because there was never a good relationship between them and an arrogant Engerer. PBO told Mr Cuschieri he could go ahead and do as he wished and that he would not interfere in the matter!!! So, I repeat, he is a BIG liar when he is trying to play the victim saying he was taken by surprise...but then of course, after what Engerer did for the party he must be ashamed to let him find out he knew he was not going to get the position he fought so hard for after all...backstabbing galore!!! But you really deserve it!!!
Gilbert Bartolo
Oh golly! Yes ..and the motion is supported by NATIONALISTS Edward Cuschieri, Sandra 'always a nationalist' Camilleri, and Dimech (as Nationalist a guy as you can get)!!!!
Stefan Mifsud
And what a load it is. I hold no brief for Mr. Dimech or for the PL. But thank God, I read all loacl papers and listen to all the news and can reach, at the least, informed decisions. The democratic will of the people of Sliema was that Mr. Dimech is the mayor. IT was the armtwisting tactics of the PN which saw the deputy mayor become mayor. The dwadle increases when you compare the recent cases of corruption with the overall attitude of the PN. Locally it is corruption, nationally it is perceived correuption and on the BWBS contract there is no corruption. When are we going to have ourselves a Government and supporting systems which are really intended for the good of us Maltese and all those who live here or come to visit. I voted to join the EU for no other reason but for this objective. However, we are only European in the rhetoric. Iin the susbstance we are still a banana republic.