PN tells Edward Cuschieri to back down on deputy mayor ambitions

Sliema councillor told to back down or expect expulsion from the party should he not toe the party line.

The Nationalist Party administration has reportedly warned Sliema councillor Edward Cuschieri to back down on his ambition to be appointed deputy mayor, and to expect expulsion from the party should he not toe the party line and support Cyrus Engerer for the post.

MaltaToday is informed that an infuriated secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier made it clear with all PN Sliema councillors that “enough is enough” and that the PN will not tolerate any more nonsense.

“Cyrus Engerer has the full support of the PN’s administration,” a senior PN spokesman told MaltaToday last night, adding that it is unacceptable that Cyrus Engerer is apparently being sidelined because of his sexual orientation.

Edward Cuschieri was not available for comment yesterday.

MaltaToday is informed that Paul Borg Olivier expressed his full support towards Cyrus Engerer, who is expected to be appointed deputy mayor when the council resumes business on September 22.

The warning comes as a calculated risk for the PN, which risks losing its majority in its most important stronghold, with Cuschieri signing a motion of no confidence in Engerer along with three Labour councillors and two independent councillors.

In the case of stalemate, the Sliema council could risk being dissolved by government, and new elections called in a scenario where disillusionment is high among a very demanding electorate.

Three weeks after the ousting of Nikki Dimech as mayor and his expulsion from the PN following his arrest and arraignment over alleged bribery, the PN was stunned by the no-confidence motion against Cyrus Engerer.

Engerer is an outspoken gay activist. His frontline appearance at this year’s gay pride, where he was filmed kissing his companion, brought the councillor new attention.

In an interview with MaltaToday, he said he would consider voting for Labour if the party would put full marriage equality in its manifesto, saying gay marriage “makes a big difference to me.”

The motion – presented on Monday – piloted by PL minority leader Martin Debono, states that “Cyrus Engerer is still young and doesn’t have the experience to be a Deputy Mayor.”

All three PL councillors are signatories to the motion, including Nicolai Gauci who is in the employ of former mayor Nikki Dimech.

Other signatories are Nikki Dimech and Sandra Camilleri, who are now independents, and Edward Cuschieri, who is also a member of the PN sectional committee in Sliema.

His signature upsets the PN’s plans on Sliema, just a day after Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi spoke at length over the importance of “loyalty” by all councillors and party members.

Contacted yesterday, Martin Debono downplayed his role in the whole affair, stressing that the matter is a “feud between PN councillors.”

But Debono declined to comment on why he was supporting the appointment of a PN councillor for the post of deputy mayor, and abstained from voting out Nikki Dimech and appointing Joanna Gonzi as Mayor.

“It is all a storm in a tea cup, as the whole Sliema issue has been blown out of proportion,” Debono insisted.

Also contacted, Nikki Dimech stressed that he supports Edward Cuschieri and not Cyrus Engerer as deputy mayor on a “matter of principle.”

Dimech accused Engerer of being the prime promoter behind his removal and “manoeuvring” behind his back.

But Dimech strongly denied the homophobic interpretation that is being given to the motive behind the motion. Dimech claimed he did not know the authors of a Facebook group called ‘friends of Nikki Gelanz’, but that he “appreciated their support.”

The group posted pictures of Engerer with his arm on the shoulder of a male friend, lifted from his own Facebook profile, and peppered it with messages of a homophobic nature. “We have nothing against gays but for sure its (sic) dangerous to have you freely do what you want/ you should have respect to the other part of the human civilisation.”

Luke Camilleri
Viva Indipendenza tal ex-Sindku u ex- Kunsilliera Nazzjonalisti Din hi id-Demokrazija Nazzjonalista? Din hi l-Liberta tal-Kelma fi hdanil-Partit Nazzjonalista? Min irrid jithaq b'min?
Joseph Pellicano
Christopher Galea Scannura
Ihobb jissawwat Cuschieri...apparently he is going to retract his signature from the motion and give up being nominated (after he asked for it himself) He is giving in to the threats a second time...because he was told he would be expelled if he does not let the party have Engerer appointed. At this point, one may ask, what the hell is a person like this doing in the counci??? Certainly not representing the people of Sliema as he can't even stick to his own decision!!!
joseph mercieca
I would like to point out: A) Martin Debono downplaying his own motion proves that the Labour councillors were wrong to abstain on the no confidence vote on Nikky. If as Martin says, this is an internal turf war why interfere? It's nonsense to abstain and then table a motion against Cyrus as vive mayor. By the way has the PL top brass anything to say about the subject or are they content with leaving their coucillors on the lurch. B) In a democracy one is innocent untill proven guilty by due process of law. But this does not apply to Nikky Dimech, he is guilty as hell by decree of PBO and blessed by Gonzi. This reminds me of when Zeppi l-Hafi was found guilty of something or other in the cardinal's stabbing. A lot of luminaries of our legal system started a campaign on the Times against the jury system.They wanted to change the jury system because a notorius person lost a criminal case. But this person was no ordinary person (oh no!) he was, at the time, acting the part of Dr.Watson, Sherlok Holmes's sidekick, at the time played by Eddie Fenech Adami under St.Julians bridge. Talk about dark times in the seventies today we are in total darkness or as we abtly say in our vernacular "DLAM CAPPA"
Christopher Galea Scannura
Tajjeb...first they used Edward because they needed him for the motion against Dimech, now they don't have trust in him as Vice Mayor...and of course, they owe Engerer for having helped them play dirty...they have to deliver their part of the deal now...all this at the detriment of the Sliema residents...the only difference is that now they can't point their finger at Dimech anymore...and slowly slowly they are demasking themselves...what a shame to see these things happen...a real pity
Onward Christian soldiers .... Let's have an inquisition.
Keith Goodlip
Eddie- Screw the PN and get out of that disgraceful dictatorship. Declare yourself as an Independent and work for the citizens of your district, Better that, than to be PBO's butt licker.
new elections with a new set of candidates who will do what the party tells them to do irrispective of theor convictions even on such basic things as what one thinks of John or Mary. There is no issue of politics in this case so how can a party dictate on who it wants here or there? where is the spirit of subsidiarity etc when the party wants to push all the knobs even on the slightest non-political related matter? As the maltese saying goes, he who does not change his clothes stinks...a change is as good as a rest jew strieh u serrah...
Christopher Galea Scannura
Yes...elections now, but making sure not to elect a PN majority and end up with the same result of puppets...we are not communists!!! PBO must back out from this urge to control the council issues and let the council work...Oherwise he should candidate himself as mayor and then we'll see all the good he is able to generate!!!
Karl Camilleri
As an NP voter, I am absolutely disgusted at how my party is dealing with this ongoing Sliema council saga - it really hurts to see my party, the party which moulded the nation, which brought independence from colonial rule, which preserved democracy in dark days, the party which against all odds secured accession to the EU in such a miserable state! We all deserve so much better than this PBO thing. The writing is on the wall - who cares now about Dimech, Gonzi, Engerer, Cuschieri and the merry band of councillors?? Dismiss the whole council and elections now! Now! If my party was led by a General Secretary with some modicum of political decency, this would solve the matter definitively. Even if the NP would lose such election, it can always claim that for it the most important thing was to hear out the citizens. Like this us residents feel taken for a ride and completely left outside this charade which is fast becoming a series of ego trips by all involved.