Edward Scicluna calls for Commission clarification on ID cards funding

Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today called on the European Commission to clarify the question of whether the Maltese government had called for EU funding to pay for a new ID card system.

"It is of grave concern that the majority of ID cards in Malta are expired, with their viability dependent on the Government issuing a Legal Notice to re-validate them for use in the Maltese islands only. As an EU Member State the situation is also an embarrassment to our island."
In a parliamentary question to the European Commission, Prof Scicluna questioned if the Government had asked the Commission for EU funding to pay for the replacement of ID cards, whether and when the Commission had agreed, how much money has been committed and about the deadline for the spending of the funds.
Commenting on the fact that Labour MP Leo Brincat had repeatedly raised the issue with Minister Austin Gatt without receiving a satisfactory reply, Prof Scicluna said
"The Government has made a number of claims and counter-claims on ID cards over the past year, putting in doubt when the new system will be put in place. Enough is enough. I want to establish from the Commission what the truth is about these claims."
Concluding, Prof Scicluna stated: "Having valid ID cards is a crucially important issue for all citizens living in Malta. It is vital for the freedom of movement of Maltese citizens, and Maltese democracy, that we tackle this issue once and for all."

The ID Cards should only contain the name and surname and address of the person, blood group and whether s/he suffers from any condition which would require immediate treatment. Nothing else should be included.I urge people to go and change their ID Cards and not wait for the government to issue a call for them. Just get similar card that you presently have and forget about the high tech ones. You have a right to have a valid ID Card to travel with instead of your passport. I also suggest to the PL to issue instructions for people to go and change their ID Cards and then make it clear that people with outdated cards will not be accepted to vote at the general election because this is a plot by the PN so that people not entitled to vote will still come and vote.
John Mifsud
Prof. Scicluna failed to mention the grave privacy and civil rights issues the new ID cards project has raised. The Maltese people are concerned about this; the freedom of movement issue raised by Prof. Scicluna is only a red herring.