PN demands answers over helipad ‘cover-up’

PN Secretary General Chris Said says St George’s Square has become like North Korea • Deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami blasts government’s ‘lack of honesty.’

PN secretary general Chris Said has demanded answers over the “cover-up” of records of a car which blocked the hospital helipad when a medical evacuation from Gozo was to take place.

Addressing the PN general council entitled “Honest Politics,” Said called for “answers” over reports in the Malta Independent on Sunday that the car’s registration number had disappeared from Transport Malta and police records, and claimed that the culprit behind may be a “Malta Enterprise official or a parliament official.”

Taking the government to task over its “abuse of power and bullying,” Said insisted that this is the latest cover-up that has been carried out by the government, arguing that it resembles the “cover-up” involving the shooting incident of home affairs minister Manuel Mallia’s driver Paul Sheehan.

“You hear about [Chris] Cardona, Edward Scicluna, Luciano Busuttil, Joe Mizzi, and Konrad Mizzi. One cover-up after another is being revealed. The latest one is the one involving the vehicle which parked on the helipad, and these are the only ones we know about,” Said said.

“In light of all this blatant abuse of power and bullying, it is crucial for the PN to once again become the voice of the people. We will not step back and and fight the bullies in government, if you want to get at the people, you will have to pass through the PN first,” he rallied.

“The time of bullies and cowboys should have ended a long time ago, the PN managed to get rid of it, but it is coming back again.”

Moreover, Said also took umbrage at the big screens airing the prime minister’s speech in St George’s Square, arguing that this is “reminiscent of a scene in North Korea.”

Earlier, PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami said that as opposed to the present government, the PN stands for honesty in politics.

“Not one day goes by without witnessing the government being caught in some controversy or another,” he said, while taking Transport Minister Joe Mizzi to task for entering into negotiations with Spanish bus operator Autobuses de Leon while the tender process was still ongoing.