Labour creates special website for people to leave well-wishes to Mintoff

Former Labour Prime Minister Dom Mintoff has been hospitalised at Mater Dei Hospital.  The Labour Party has tonight invited all those "who would like send wishes for a speedy recovery"  to log on the PL's website at and leave a message there. In a statement issued shortly after 7pm, the party said all messages "will be relayed to Mintoff and his family"..

Early this morning, President George Abela visited Mintoff at his hospital bed.

The announcement was made in one-liner statement issued by the Department of Information (DOI) to the media at 11.42 pm today. It did not add any further details as to the former Premier's health condition

The latest medical update on Mintoff 's health condition issued yesterday at 2.40 pm had reported that the 94-year-old former prime minister was "in stable condition" and was still being kept for observation at the Intensive Therapy Unit at Mater Dei.

Earlier, Labour sources reported that his condition had "improved slightly" after he suffered a mild stroke.

Mintoff had been hospitalised at Mater Dei's intensive therapy unit on Thursday afternoon, reportedly suffering from dehydration and agitation. His condition had been then described as "stable".

A terse DOI statement issued at 7:22 pm on Thursday had said that he had been hospitalised “for observation and for medical tests”.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat had visited the former PM at the ITU shortly after midnight, where he spoke to MIntoff's family. His condition yesterday was believed to be serious, but the PL said in a second statement issued shortly around midnight that he was "stable."

The PL has appealed to the public not to pay Mintoff any visits while he was recovered in hospital.

Only last month, on 6 August 2010, Mintoff had celebrated his 94th birthday. Mintoff was Prime Minister of Malta twice between 1956 and 1958, and then from 1971 to 1984.

Most recently, he campaigned against EU membership alongside his long-time confidant and former Labour prime minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

joseph mercieca
Zurrieq Blues, I ask you one thing? Why did the Party ever discard Mintoff? Is it just to sideline an icon of that caliber? If they want to changed things whynot nominate him for an honoury postion in the Party? As regards Mrs. Leyson you could be right. By the way are you happy the party employed this 'expert'. When I think of her I become Livid. Karlu Manju: I am not and never prentended to be objective. I am a Mintoffjan and, by God, proud of it! Because it was he who gave me, the son of a British services worker the opportunity to learn and find a decent job without licking anybody''s ass. Thanks to Dumink I have a family and lead a very confortable life. I don't need to jump on any wagon. I am very happy as I am and have no ambitions whatsoever. I am enjoying a good pension, free health care. Yes, all thanks to Mintoff I can cope with life. I could be doing something else (Than answering you) but when Mintoff is mentioned I take it personally because he is my idol. So don't you dare accuse me of jumping band wagons! I don't bloody need too because I never asked any politician red or blue any favours so I have no Godfather to answer too. I was alo for Mintoff even when he was being demonised and in the Party the name of Mintoff was a dirty word! I started following Mintoff and going to his meetings with my parents when I was just a child. I used to be proud that my parents were inderdicted. I was also proud when at school I was ostrocized because I was 'Ta' Mintoff'. With others we distributed Il-Helsien when it was a sin to read it. So don't talk of jumping band wagons to me. Jumping band wagons is done by today's so called leaders of the Party. I could give you a couple of examples but let's let sleeping dogs lay. Wether what I said were rumors or not beleive what you want, I can only tell that I was speaking from first hand experience. By the way I have no personal agenda, but I claim the right to be critical of the PL because the Great Man taught me never to be a puppet and a yesman. So whatever Labour Party dishes out, I don't consider it as the holy scripture. I digest and read between the lines and form an opinion based on the facts and past experience. Karlu Manju this will not come as a surprise to you but no, I don't feel the party is really a Labour movement anymore.It has become just a party fighting for power. You see, I am for a movement that is proud to call itself socialist, be left and nothing else and moreover give priority to those less fortunate, to the workers, to the under class, to free education and free heralth, to social housing, who wants to support and develop the Welfare State. I want a movement that cherishes Malta's freedom and not sell it to the highest bidder. Do you agree with me? if you do, do you thing the movement of Labour people has this agenda. If you do, dream on!
S Heijn
Ma' nafx kif wiehed ista jghid kontra dan il-bniedem meta ghamel tant gid lil dan il-pajjiz. Ta il-vot lin-nisa, ghamel sistema tal-pensjonijiet, skejjel b'xejn b'kotba u halib lil istudenti b'xejn, bena progetti kbar ( u mhux tac-cekcik) li ghadhom sa' llum (dawk li hallew min mexxa warajh). Pogga lil Malta fuq il-mappa (ghax lanqas lienu jafu bina). Haddiema tas-sengha u ohrajn proffessjonali ziedhom jew holoqhom mill- Gdid bhal- Pilots fil-flotta ta' l-Air Malta' ( li kienu qaluli li kienu ajruplani tac-comb) u lista twila ohra li ma' tispicca qatt. Dan il-bniedem ghandu jibqa jissemma ghal Gid Kbir li ghamel u nghidlu Grazzi mill qalb.Iinkompli nitlob ghalih biex jiehu sahhtu lura, biss inhallu f'idejn 'ALLA' li jaf il-bzonnijiet taghna u x'inhu l-ahjar ghalina.
Alfred Galea
Every pension cheque, every children's allowance cheque, every student receiving free education, every person getting free healthcare and every recipient of govt. plots to be able to own a piece of property without going bankrupt, are testimony to what this man did for Malta. Al;l the rest of the hotair, from the PL and the PN is just that....hotair.
Kim Buttigieg
Mintoff does not need "objective"! commentators like Frankie, to tell us what great things he did for us all. So please don't jump on the band wagon in this time of great apprehension, to spread rumours, to benefit your personal agenda. We are all part of this great movement of Labour people; you're either for this movement or against it.
Patricia Marsh
To say that leaders of new Labour never respected Mintoff and were afraid of him, that is your opinion that sometimes I attempt to agree with you. To say that Muscat's invitation was only a PR stunt, I'am sorry you got it totally wrong. What if this invitation never happened? Our PR guru Mrs Leyson was not part of the PL when the said invitation happened. Yes, our Party tried for years to hide Mintoff's achievements.....for obvious reasons. And now we are discovering Mintoff again. But what is wrong with this? Correcting our errors? I am not 'midhla tal-partit' but l always watching what is going on. The fact that we discovered Mintoff again is a move to the right direction not a PR stunt. Anyway Frankie, did not agree with your comments but still like you writing because (taf xi tghid:)) Wish you a speedy recovery DOM.
joseph mercieca
You have a right to your opinion. But I reiterate, the Leaders of new Labour never respected Mintoff and were afraid of him. I know this very well, believe me! Secondly Muscat's invitation was only a PR stunt (maybe suggested by our PR guru Mrs. Leyson? Who knows?). As for always being treated as the father of the party, how come when he went there he was asked for his ID Card. Great! Dom Mintoff being asked identification to enter Labour HQ. Look, nobody but nobody ever manipulated Mintoff he took on big heavyweights in his time; do you think a bunch of bird brained Maltese politicians could manipulate him? Our Party wanted us to believe he was a 'smagat' so that they woud not be blamed for the debacle that was on the horizon. Ask around and you will find out that some of the top brass of the Party did not want to take on Mintoff but others especially the new ones, that had no Labour pedigree relished the thought of destroying Mintoff. But ultimately they only cut their p***Ks to spite their wives. What really saddens me is that now all of a suddem we are discovering Mintoff again. When all his great achievments were conveniently forgotten and was only villified, called a dictator, a rabble rouser, and compared to the devil's spawn, he was abondoned and shuned like a leper. Now that what he has done is practically dismantled by Ali Babas forty theives many are waking to the fact that il-Perit was the greatest thing that ever happened to Malta.
Alfred dalli
kuragg missier Malta. Meta bdejt naqra l-kummenti fuq maltatoday, timesofmalta u maltastar indunajt kemm hemm nies li jroddulek hajr ghax ghamilthom nies, u kburin li Maltin. Indunajt li hemm hafna u hafna stejjer ta' nies li jikkonfermaw kemm ghamilt ghal dan il-pajjiz u ghal niesu. Rispett ghal dejjem, Duminku.
Micheal Bonanno
Sorry to correct you about your statement re: IL-Partit Laburista. Joseph Muscat has accepted Mintoff as the Father of the Party and even invited him to the CNL. But the most important thing was that he even visited him at home too. And yes the PL has never lost respect for Dom Mintoff. What happened in 1998 was the labourites weren't understanding what was going on, and the PN manipulation of Mintoff to their own end.
joseph mercieca
Since my youth Mintoff was my hero and inspiration. I am very happy to read the comments written here. It shows that those that control Malta and constantly demonise him and depict his era as some totaliterian regime, have failed. These comments show that there are still people who understand and appreciate what Mintoff was to Malta. What hurts me most is that in all the villification Mintoff has endure, the so called Partit Laburista was and is a willing accomplice. Its leaders detest Mintoff because they him as a liability to the Party. They never acknowledged his great achievments for the working class in Malta. They are afraid that Mintoff would remind the people of when they used to cross to Sicily and buy chocolate and toothpaste. As for for brining Sant's government down that was only the result of bad stratagy. Sant never liked Mintoff and as I said saw hin as an obstacle. But to garner enough votes as possible he had to swallow the bitter pill and let him contest. For Sant, Mintoff was just a tool to get votes. He thought that once in Parlaiment Mintoff would shut up and just be a prop. But Mintoff is Mintoff and his principles never faulter; thus when he saw that the party was charting a course away from the left and towards the centre he had to act. Again they thought that bluffs could deter him, they did not know that brinkmanship is his favourite hobby. Mintoff knew that the Sant government would eventually be a clone of a Nationalist administration based neo liberalism. That is why Mintoff brought that government down. If it was a question of jelousy it was on the part of Alfred Sant who escalated the minor problem of the Cospicua marina to a vote of no confidence. His intent was winning the vote and at the same time humiliate Mintoff. How wrong he was! Mintoff could still eat a hundred Alfred Sants for breakfast. Of course we were hurt and angry at what happened but Mintoff was not to blame. The responsability rests on the Party's leaders who from that time on have relegated Labour to a soulless entity without an identity. Love him or hate him Mintoff inspired us his followers and gave us a purpose. What is today's party leader giving us; f**k all! What is sad in all of this is that of the thousands who hated his guts and cursed his name, it was from a Leader of the Labour Party that be recieved the most hurtful invective; when in Mintoff's home town and stronghold Alfred Sant called il-Perit a traitor. History will tell who was right.
Brenda Fenech
ħaalikom minn dan issa. Dom Mintoff għandu bżonnha hu issa. Mhux aħjar titolbu għalih issa ħalli jisteqer u jerġa magħna mill-ġdid Ħal-Iarxien.
Alfred Galea
Big Dom Mintoff made us proud to be Maltese and proved to us that we can make it on our own. And we did. MGBY Big D. ps.....God better be prepared for him.
Phillip Martin Micallef
get well soon perit..........your immensity in creating a social welfare that many thousand still benefit today cannot never be forgotten!..........................we still talk and discuss you unlike 'super statesmen' that where presidents and prime ministers just a couple of years ago!!!
ghamel kuragg perit, irbaht hafna battalji ghal Malta issa kuragg ghax irriduk maghna sakemm taghlaq 100 sena.
Lino Camilleri
Ma naqbilx mieghek squall. Ghal krizi li tinsab malta fih jahti alfred sant innifsu u hadd iktar. Qatt ma kien missu mar ghal-elezjoni bikruija. Xorta seta jmexxi allavolja kellu il kurrent mhux kif xtaq hu. Kienu hafna fil partit li ma qablux li jmorru ghal elezjoni bikrija. Imma sant kulhadd jaf li ghandu rasu iebsa u kien hemm mottiv iehor ala sant ghazel li jirrizenja mill gvern. Nawgura fejqan ta malajr lill-aqwa mexxej li qatt kellha u li jista jkollha Malta. il perit Mintoff.
Robert Galea
Very saddened to hear that Dom Mintoff is sick. I always believe that this greatest statesman in our history succeeded to implement social reforms which we are still enjoying today. The Maltese people owe a lot to this patriot.
Bhal ma Mintoff kien l-aqwa mexxej li kellha Malta pero huwa jahti tal krizi li qeda Malta ghax ma tahx chance lil Alfred Sant imexxi barra min hekk Mintoff qaliba lil zewg mexxejja meta kien zghir Mintoff qaliba lil Pawlu Boffa imbad meta xjah gieti l-ghira ghal Alfred sant u waqqaw mil gvern ghal gid li ghamel innehhilu il kappel pero kien fih tieghu ukoll
Pauline Moran
DEAR DOM, warm wishes to you for a fast recovery and a longer life... you were simply the best Prime minister ever.
Zack Depasquale
Awguri ghal fejqan ta malajr lill-aqwa mexxej li qatt kellha Malta