Malta considered ‘destination’ for sexual exploitation of children - Ecpat report

Malta does not record a large number of children sexually exploited through prostitution, and most cases are related to the possession of child pornography, a report on the “Sex trafficking of children and young people” says.

The report, published by international voluntary group “End Child Prostitution and Trafficking” (ECPAT), says that Malta is primarily a destination and transit country for women and children trafficked for sexual purposes from Eastern European countries, namely Ukraine, Russia and Romania.

Due to the country’s geographical position, situated at the intersection of Southern Europe and northern Africa, Malta has been exposed to increasing transit flows of irregular migrants.

Malta being a “destination” suggests that it is the location where the children will finally end up.

According to law enforcement agencies, young women brought into Malta for prostitution from Eastern Europe are essentially “bought” by local men. The report also states that those responsible for “employing” the women, also referred to as pimps, serve as an intermediary in order to make money off the sexual exploitation of the victims.

It is reportedly common practice that the women are sold every three months or so to other pimps or individuals. In many cases, the victims enter the country by legal means, through a tourist visa.

Despite the lack of official records available in Malta on child trafficking for sexual exploitation, a survey in the report revealed a large incidence of child abuse. Of more than 100 interviewees, 25% said they have been abused; 14 were male, 17 were female and two did not reveal their gender.

When asked what type of abuse they suffered, 19 of the 33 claimed to have been sexually abused, six had been physically abused and eight emotionally abused.

Furthermore, the report states that 27 cases of child pornography in 2004, over the internet, were investigated by police; 13 of which resulted in court action.

ECPAT’s report reveals that Malta is considered the EU’s most lagging state in relation to implementing The Hague Programme action plan, which sums up the Union’s efforts in the fight against crime.

Up until 2007, the European Commission said Malta had not yet implemented almost one third of the Programme’s measures.

According to the report, Malta also has yet to implement measures, established in December 2003, to combat sexual exploitation of children and child pornography.

Malta has also reportedly abandoned the responsibility of air carriers to communicate passenger data to prevent unauthorized entry, transit and residence in member states.

Additionally, a report due in 2004, following the 2002 ratification of the Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, has not yet been submitted.

Quote:But, come on, we gave a hell of a welcome to the Pope. Nobody can begrudge us the title of the best Catholics of the world. Comment: Let's not forget you gave the Pope 35000 Euros for his charity that were collected supposedly for the Haiti earthquake. Only the best catholics in the world would expose themselves to this kind of moral fibre.
Gilbert Bartolo
Come on this is all fantasy! The christian democrats are in government, and Gonzi, the embodiement of values is PM.... zgur li ghandkom xi zball ta!
joseph mercieca
Minnfommirrih, your comment was not great but fantastic, short, but to say the least to, the point. But, come on, we gave a hell of a welcome to the Pope. Nobody can begrudge us the title of the best Catholics of the world.
A country that elects its government by discarding over 5000 #1 votes and reward the PN 4 electorate seats by virtue of over 1400 #1 votes cannot really be held responsible for other crimes. Politicians and a parliament that allow and encourage the following:- Money Laundering, Investors abuse(BOV), pornography, pedophilia, human trafficing, illegal immigrants transportation, health & welfare discrimination cannot be counted to address common decency. Children born out of wedlock are at a staggering rate of 25%. Isn't this par for the course to be a member of the EU. But the Monsignor is upset because a vote for Divorce is a SIN. A shattered country administered by a government without a conscience and a catholic church without any morals.
Nah ,cannot be true !according to our Hon. prime Minister We have a treasure here in Malta So these things we see them only in movies here...........