Labour slams Fenech Adami comment as ‘unacceptable in a democracy’

Former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami’s dismissive description of a court ruling as ‘strictly procedural’ has come under heavy fire from the Opposition party’ spokesman for justice Dr Jose’ Herrera, who expressed consternation and surprise that a fundamental right could be reduced to a ‘technicality’.

The case goes back to 2001, when three police officers - David Gatt, Ivan Portelli and Michael Buttigieg were dismissed by the force, ostensibly ‘to protect the public interest’.

No official reason was given for their dismissal, although Commissioner George Grech – who ironically resigned the same year after finding himself embroiled in a sex scandal – claimed in court that the three police officers had been in contact with suspected criminals.

However, in April 2004 Mr Justice Joseph Azzopardi ruled that the Public Service Commission had violated one of the principles of natural justice by neither informing the three officers that they were under investigation, nor allowing them the opportunity to defend themselves from the charges.

The Court of Appeal upheld this ruling earlier this month, prompting calls for an apology by former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and current Police Commissioner John Rizzo.

However, in comments to The Times, Fenech Adami stood by his decision, arguing that the court ruling was based on a ‘technicality’.

“There will definitely be no apology from me,” Dr Fenech Adami said. “I acted in terms of the office I was holding. The fact the court has ruled in their favour on a technical issue doesn’t change my view of what was done then.”

A similar reaction came also from Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, eliciting stern criticism from his opposite number in Parliament.

“To say that the lack of a fair hearing is a ‘technicality’ or a simple procedural matter is surprising and unacceptable in a democracy,” Herrera said.

“The right to a fair hearing is a very important part of natural law. It is a fundamental right, protected by no less than our Constitution, as well as the European Convention of Human Rights. As such, the absence of .this right is the equivalent of abuse of power.”

Dr Herrera called on the Ministry of Justice to ‘revise’ its statement accordingly.

This is the same guy who stood for election - resigned the week after he was elected and appointed his appointed successor. Then bump his old buddy of the presidential chair to spend some more time in power - without the day to day hassle. What exactly in Eddie's track record would make anyone think this person has any understanding or respect for democracy. And for a Christian, his legacy is one of vendettas, exclusion, MASSIVE corruption, pardoning of drug lords and a failed democracy. Eddie was always a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Ian Sammut
Remember when following the acquittal of Ian Farrugia from attempted homicide of RCC, the then PM Eddie attempted to remove the jury system from these islands?? If he played billiards and loose, he will certainly say it was a cause of a tremor which made his chances dimmer!! Is he implying the PSC members are simply a rubberstamp, executing his decisions without hesitation?
Mhux ta' b'xejn li kien hemm min mill-kamp politika tieghu stess li rrefera ghalih bhala "Iz-z***l ta' Birkirkara".
Joe Tanti
Kif l-Stati Uniti kellhom lil Tricky Dicky Nixon, ahna issalabna bi bniedem arroganti ("fejn huma laburisti," tiftakruha din?) giddieb (tiftakruha meta gideb fua Alfred Sant?) bhal ma kien u apparament ghadu dwardu Feneck Adami . Xi tistenna min bniedem li jaghmel lilu President .Iz-zmien tieghu fil ghola kariga li jista jtik l-stat Malti (fdan il-kas hadu bidejh,qisu xi drit medjovali) kien 4 snin ta negativita presidenzjali li qawda biss minha hu u ta madwaru bi safar ecc. Il-presidenti precedenti tnehhi lil Sir Anthony Mamo kienu kollha gejjien kamp politiku,imma kollha gawdew ir-rispett tal popolin,inkluz dan tal-lum George Abela IMMMA hadd minhom ma qam filghodu gurnata fost l-ohrajn u qal JIEN IL-PRESIDENT IL_GDID. Dan hu ghemil li ssibu biss fxi dittatorjat mhux f pajjiz suppost modern fil EU. Arroganza,tridc tmur.
Dan il bniedem min dejjem kien arroganti sa wasal biex tradixxa lil siehbu stess Dr Gorg Borg Olivier biex ha it tmexxija tal PN huwa xma ghamielx kontra il Perit Duminku Mintoff biex jilhaq PM huwa Dissubidjenza Civili Bojkotts pero haga wahda hemm Dward bil gustizzja ta din id dinja didhaq imma meta tigi biex taghti kont l-ALLA l-imbierek ser tithallas ta ghemilek u kullhadd jaf xkont taghmel biex ilhaqt fejn ridt tilhaq
Kim Buttigieg
It is usless to bla bla about European values ( especially when in opposition) your actions (when in Government) have to be aligned to these European values-(the rule of law)- and to be congruent with them!
Patricia Marsh
Il-lupu jbiddel sufu (minn kap tal-partit u Prim Ministru ghal President u President Emeritus) izda mhux ghemilu! Shame on you
No one expects anything better from a first class compulsive liar ...remember Xoghol, Gustizzja, Liberta, this was his way of doing justice and still is.
Luke Camilleri
U hallina Dward!
Joseph Pellicano
min dejjem kien funny u baqa listes
It is not the first human rights infringement EFA has been found guilty of by the maltese courts. Apart fron a court sentence regarding him libelling Dr Alfred Sant for which he had to pay (or we did) LM2000 + court costs. It is only reasonable being an expert and with at least 5 court rulings under his belt EFA would feel comfy to classify a court ruling as a simple procedural matter. EFA is the man who put the "A" in arrogance.