Cancellation of operations at Mater Dei 'not nurses' fault'
Nurses’ union takes umbrage at comments by parliamentary secretary for health Chris Fearne

The Malta Union of Midwives has taken umbrage over comments by parliamentary secretary for health Chris Fearne in parliament.
In a statement, the nurses’ union said shortage of nurses was not the only reason leading to a substantial number of cancellations of operations at Mater Dei Hospital.
“Theatre list and slot times at Mater Dei Hospital are similar to the tower of Babylon mentioned in the Bible. A number of consultant surgeons not only do not observe their theatre slot times but send the list late to theatre which makes it impossible to plan any nursing staff for any operation list,” MUMN president Paul Pace said in a statement.
He said, that theatre lists were also being changed on the day, makingstaff allocation an impossible feat. According to Pace, over running was also common.
“This is causing great stress on nurses who are burnt out as they try to work under impossible circumstances,” Pace said.
He also said that only five anaesthetic doctors were available in the afternoon leading to whole theatre list being cancelled.
“While as Fearne correctly stated that MUMN is collaborating on increasing an afternoon slot, we have also made it clear with the Health Ministry and Health Division that unless Mater Dei Hospital Management does not address and organise the consultants theatre slot times and that theatre list have to be provided according to an established time frame, the cancellations of theatre list will definitely continue.”
Pace said Mater Dei was the only hospital in Europe were the management of the hospital had no control on the consultants’ list, the slot times or on whether patients on waiting lists were being treated fairly and equal.
“Therefore for clarification purpose, this is the major issue which is causing the massive cancellation of operations,” Pace said.