'Education strategy intended to improve students’ standards of English’ - Labour MP
Etienne Grech says that the government will publish an action plan for the teaching of the English language in schools by the end of the year

The Education Ministry will publish an action plan for the teaching of the English language in school by the end of the year, Labour MP Etienne Grech said.
“This action plan will improve the way students learn English through books, libraries and technology,” Grech said in a statement, while adding that the National Literacy Strategy, launched earlier this year, will raise the standard of English amongst Maltese students.
This strategy includes initiatives such as ‘shared reading’, ‘guided reading’, ‘phonics’, ‘look and say’, ‘read with me’ and ‘reading ambassadors’, the latter of which involves local personalities sharing their experiences of reading in classrooms.
Grech pointed out that the Ministry of Education has introduced a number of new schemes during this scholastic year, such as co-education in secondary schools, the pilot tablet project, and new measures to counter absenteeism.