Anton Buttigieg Foundation launched for the first district
Aaron Farrugia launches foundation to improve the quality of life for people in the first district

The Anton Buttigieg Foundation, whose aim is to improve the quality of life for communities, families and people in the first district, was launched today by its founder Aaron Farrugia who is also the chairman of Labour’s think-tank IDEAT.
“The localities of the first district are at the top of the list when it comes to social problems in Malta, and 60% of its residents are at risk of falling into poverty,” Farrugia said. “They also face problems like criminality, benefit scroungers, housing problems, unemployment and school absenteeism.”
However, he sounded out a war cry that the first district means far more than its well-documented problems.
“Valletta isn’t simply about housing problems and a higher-than-average use of social benefits. It’s also the childhood home of great artists like Giuseppe Gali, politicians like Danny Cremona and Lawrence Gonzi, national footballers like Gilbert Agius and people who breathed life into society like St George Preca and Nazzju Falzon.”
“Floriana isn’t simply about a higher-than-average rate of the registration of single parents or about the hardships faced by Florianese youth when searching for accommodation in the same locality. It is also about the politician and author Herbert Ganado, ex-Speaker Michael Frendo and ex-footballer John Holland.
“Hamrun is not simply about a rise in criminality and vehicle emissions. It is also about two ex-Presidents Guido De Marco and Anton Buttigieg."
He said that the foundation will be based on the values of equality promoting, safety nets for people who find themselves in hardships, strengthening the middle class, and on creating sustainable growth built on a work-based economy.