Bishop calls secularisation out for ‘shunning God’
Apostolic Administrator says that God's blessings are a necessity for the Maltese population to unite as a nation.

Modern secularisation could have led to a society that “shuns God” for the sake of “liberal progress”, Apostolic Administrator Charles Scicluna said.
“Is it not perhaps opportune to ask ourselves whether, in the name of secualrisation, we may have boarded a speed train to a certain secularism that shuns God and disdains His guidance as a perceived hindrance to our utopian dreams of liberal progress?” Scicluna said at the end of his New Year’s Eve homily at St. John’s Co-Cathedral.
Scicluna also called on his congregation to toil and strive to reconcile Malta as a nation.
“However, our efforts will be futile if they are not based on truth and social justice and if they are not blessed by the Lord,” he warned. “This is what we pray for at the conclusion of our National Anthem, as we ask the Lord to strengthen unity and peace among Maltese people.”
May the people of Malta continue to recognize that the Lord is their shield and their comfort. It is not outdated to turn to God for our protection and for our guidance.”
He also took time out during his homily to thank God for the work carried out by Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona who, in October, became the first Maltese Archbishop to resign from the helm of the Maltese Church.
“His humble kindness has brought and still brings so much warmth to so many hearts,” Scicluna said.