Cycling group asks Transport Malta to consider bicycle contra-flows
Bicycling Advocacy Group says that focus on improving cycling infrastructure will reduce traffic congestion without costing the state a cent

Transport Malta should consider introducing bicycle contra-flows, the Bicycling Advocacy Group said. Contraflow lanes are bicycle lanes in which bikers ride in an opposite direction of surrounding traffic lanes.
“This will reduce the inconvenience of one-way systems and local cycle routes,” the BAG said. “However, even just making people aware of cycling with cycling-friendly signage can make a difference.”
They added that an increased emphasis on cycling will reduce traffic congestion without costing the state a cent.
“Not only is cycling sustainable, but it helps to make car us sustainable as well,” the BAG said. “In fact, encouraging cycling will actually help to soften the hard choices that need to be made. Investment in cycling infrastructure has been shown to give a much larger return than the expenditure.
“We are asking local councils and Transport Malta to make bicycle commuting one of their new year’s resolutions.”