9.5% of households affected by severe material deprivation
2013 Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) Survey reveals that over half of Maltese households can face unforeseen expenses, but more than half cannot afford a yearly one-week holiday.

The 2013 survey on income and living conditions released by the NSO has revealed that the material deprivation and severe material deprivation rates in Malta stand at 19.4 per cent and 9.5 per cent of households respectively.
The at-risk-of-poverty rate stood at 15.7 per cent in 2013, while the at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate stood at 24.0 per cent. The survey showed that the share of households which experienced pollution, grime or other environmental problems in their area was 40.2 per cent. A further 32.4 per cent responded that they were subjected to noise pollution in their neighbourhood.
The share of households in arrears with “mortgage or rent payments” or “utility bills” was less than 10 per cent in both instances. Notwithstanding, 35.2 per cent reported that they were finding it difficult to make ends meet.
According to the SILC survey, over 95 per cent of households owned a telephone, a colour television and a washing machine. Out of the total households, 27.1 per cent and 18.5 per cent respectively did not own a computer or a car, although the percentage of households who could not afford to do so was less than 4 per cent in both cases.
In addition, 85.6 per cent of households could afford to eat a meal with chicken, meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every other day. Over three-fourths of the households could face unexpected financial expenses and a similar proportion could keep their home adequately warm in winter. More than half the households, however, replied that they could not afford to pay for a one-week annual holiday away from home.
The survey also showed that the most common type of residential private dwellings during 2013 were apartments, followed by semi-detached or terraced houses. Just under a third of main dwellings contained five rooms. The largest proportion of households consisted of two persons, with 28.0 per cent. On the other hand, one-person households made up 22.8 per cent of the total, while households with at least five persons accounted for 8.3 per cent.
Over three-fourths of dwellings were owned, with 59.5 per cent of households being without a mortgage. The survey also indicated that tenants were mainly households without dependent children; this cohort accounted for 77.1 per cent of tenant households.
The average monthly rental value of property varied according to the size of the property and household type. The average monthly housing costs recorded in 2013 were €172 per household. Over half of respondents perceived these costs as a heavy burden, compared to the 7.3 per cent who considered such expenses as immaterial.