Malta Imam condemns criminal attack on Charlie Hebdo
The Imam of Malta Mohammad Elsadi has offered his sympathy and support to the French government after the cowardly attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices, which left 12 people dead.

Imam Mohammad Elsadi has spoken out about the barbaric attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, which has left 12 people dead.
“We received the unfortunate news of the terror attack against the French Magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris with shock and sadness. We categorically condemn this criminal attack irrespective of the identity of the perpetrators, their ideology or their motives.”
Imam Elsadi said that this was not only a crime against the media and freedom of expression but it was also an insult to Prophet Mohammad and to the teaching of the Islamic faith.
“Reverence and love for Muhammad is not expressed by violence and bloodshed, but by showing and materializing the true values of respect for the sanctity of the human life, tolerance and the peaceful coexistence between cultures which Prophet Mohammed preached”, he added.
The Imam said that the heinous assault should be considered a blow against the good relations between the French people and the Islamic world; “It is an attack against the noble support of the French people for the just Islamic causes (especially the Palestinian cause).”
Imam Elsadi also referred to the fact that the attack was also unfortunately timed, as it follows an event when the French Government showed support for the recent Palestinian bid to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands at United Nations Security Council.
The Imam continued: “This cowardly attack is also an attack on Islam and Muslims because it damages the image of Islam, fuels Islamophobia, hatred and injustice against the innocent and peaceful Muslims”
“We extend our sincere condolences to the French Government, French people and the families of the victims, and we wish a speedy recovery for the casualties. We express our full solidarity and sympathy with the French people, at this difficult time” the Imam said.