Labour MP Marlene Farrugia to vote against spring hunting
Labour MP out of love for Muscat does not fail to disappoint as she takes up anti-spring hunting cause

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia has told The Malta Independent that she will be voting against spring hunting in the referendum to be held on 11 April.
The MP, who has publicly taken issue with Joseph Muscat’s political style and leadership, said she was in favour of sustainable hunting, and proper enforcement of anti-discriminatory hunting legislation.
“I am against the hunting of wild birds that are migrating to their nesting grounds to breed the next generation of birds, and it is for this reason, that I will be voting no. This means no to the continuation of Spring hunting in Malta, and does not in any way, effect the continuation of the main hunting open season in Malta which runs from October to January,” Farrugia said.
She also said the Labour government had used the spring hunting derogation to court hunters’ votes, only to see birds shot down “way beyond established quotas”.
“The brief spring season always results in mayhem for hunter and hunted alike.”