Preferred bidder chosen for development of Marsa Shipbuilding site
Ablecare Oilfield Services Holdings was the preferred bidder for development of the site

The government has announced another step in the development of Malta as a maritime hub, at the Marsa Ship Building site.
Economy minster Chris Cardona announced that Ablecare Oilfield Services Holdings is the preferred bidder for the project, which is on the last seaside industrial site in Malta.
“The government saw the potential in the site and issued an international call to develop it,” he said. “Wider areas of investment will create more quality jobs.”
The government had initially identified strategic sectors, including oil and gas logistics, ship repair and yacht servicing, which could all draw potential investment investment. The oil and gas logistics sector was chosen by the government, and Ablecare Oilfield Services Holdings was chosen on the recommendation of the evaluation and adjudication committee.
“This will be the first hub of its kind in the Mediterranean and will attract business,” Cardona said. “It will put Malta at the centre of the oil and gas industries.”
“It is a golden opportunity for Malta to tap into the growing business from the Mediterranean.”
The project is expected to result in rig facilities, for repair and recertification, docking facilities, storage of machinery, inspection and fabrication services for subcontractors and an academic centre offering internationally recognized courses.
Cardona said that the concession was for 45 years but could be subject to reduction. The land would remain government property. On the recommendation of the previously mentioned committee, the chosen company was not given the whole stretch of land. The government hopes that the remainder of the land can eventually be used for more projects.
“This project is further proof that this government is dedicated to increasing the prosperity and confidence in our country. This is part of our commitment to create more quality jobs in our country,” said Cardona.