KNPD welcomes changes in the public transport

KNPD has announced that it appreciates the changes in the new public transport system starting in July

KNPD welcomes changes in the transport system
KNPD welcomes changes in the transport system

The National Commission Persons with Disability (KNPD) has announced that it is happy with the changes to the public transport system.

In a consultation between KNPD and Transport Malta, it was explained that from July Blue Badge holders would be given the opportunity to have a Transport Card issued. This card would be used instead of the Blue Badge when holders make use of public transport, and it will be given free of charge.

Transport Malta explained that two hour tickets which previously cost €0.30 will go down to €0.25 for blue badge holders, furthermore €2.30 weekly tickets will go down to €2.00.

“The new system starting in July will also mean that these tickets will be valid in both Malta and Gozo, unlike the current system where one has to buy two separate tickets in Malta and Gozo,” said Transport Malta.

Transport Malta said that it will keep KNPD informed about any updates in the coming days.