618 people found government education jobs last year
In 2014, 81 people found jobs at MCAST, 101 at the University, and 156 at the Employment and Training Corporation

618 people were recruited in government jobs under the Ministry of Education, Education Minister Bartolo revealed.
Speaking in Parliament in response to a parliamentary question by Opposition MP Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici, Bartolo said that 467 of these new recruits were employed as teachers, supply teachers, supply learning support assistants and supply kindergarten assistants. 40 people were also employed on a part-time basis within the Directorate for Lifelong Learning.
“In 2014, 81 people found jobs at MCAST, 101 at the University, and 156 at the Employment and Training Corporation,” Bartolo added. “143 of the ETC’s new recruits were awarded definite contracts.”
He also said that the Foundation for Educational Services employed 131 people as external recruits on both a full-time and a part-time basis, as well as 1,361 people on definite contracts as part-time workers for the government’s Skola Sakf and Klabb 3-16 schemes last summer.