Curia opens applications for admissions into Church schools
Curia opens applications for children’s admission into Church Schools at kindergarten and secondary school level

The Curia will accept applications in the third criterion of “Other Applicants” for the first year in secondary schools and the second year of kindergarten for the 2015-2016 scholastic year on the 26, 27 and 30th January and the 26th and 27th January and 2nd February, respectively. Further information about admission regulations are available on the Church of Malta’s website.
The Curia said that applications for the first criterion of admission into church schools were held last November and it published a summary of first criterion applicants and how many vacancies are left for both age groups.
The total of vacancies for the first year of secondary school for boys stands at 252 vacancies. The total of applicants was of 159, 40 of whom were siblings of students already attending church schools. Five vacancies are being saved for refugees, with a total of 93 places still to be filled.
The total of vacancies in the first year of girls’ secondary schools, stands at 46. The total of applicants for this section was of 30, with the majority of applicants (17) coming from different schools.
The total of children at St Francis’ primary schools surpasses the number of students that can be accepted at the St Francis Secondary School, which means that vacancies will be reserved for these students. As a result the number of vacancies is as yet undetermined.
Vacancies for the second year of kindergarten
The total of vacancies for the second year of kindergarten for boys stood at 131. The total of applicants for this category in the first criterion was of 32, with the majority of cases (23), being siblings of students already attending church schools. Two places are being reserved for children whose family has acquired refugee status, which brings the total of remaining vacancies to 99.
The total of vacancies for the second year at kindergarten for girls was 295 places. The total of applicants so far was 111, with 87 applicants being siblings to students already at the schools. Five places are being saved for refugees, with the total of vacancies being 184.
The public is invited to visit the Church of Malta’s website for further information.