KNPD calls on youth to ‘become active within disability sector’
Commission for Disabled People says 'disability sector' should not be a no-go area for young non-disabled people

Youths play an important role in the disability sector, the National Commission for People with a Disability (KNPD) said.
“Young people, with their stamina, determination and passion, can keep this sector going by helping the Commission to continue renewing itself,” the KNPD said in a statement.
The KNPD announced that they will soon be launching a number of projects for both disabled and non-disabled youth aimed at raising awareness on issues that disabled people face in their everyday lives.
“We do not want the disability sector to be a no-go area for young non-disabled people, except for the ones who have persons with disability as their class-mates, friends, work colleagues or relatives,” the KNPD said. “We want young people to help us continue to bring about change, because it is only through such alliances that we can continue to become stronger in sharing our message with the masses and in giving a more realistic perspective of disability.”