December saw ‘record tourist arrivals’
A record 66,000 tourists visited Malta in December 2014

A record 66,000 tourists visited Malta in December 2014, the government said in a statement.
“December was also a record year with regards tourist expenditure and total nights spent by tourists,” the government said, pointing out that 36% more German tourist visited Malta in December 2014 when compared with December 2013.
“Over 1.7 million tourists visited Malta in 2014, an increase of 8% over 2013,” the government said. “In total, they spent 13.5 million nights in Malta, while spending around €1.5 billion- 6% more than was registered in 2013.”
Quoting World Tourism Barometer statistics, the government said that, while tourism increased by 4.7% worldwide, it increased by 8% in Malta.
They added that Malta registered the 11th largest growth in the European Union with regards nights spent by tourists in collective accommodations.