Labour MP calls for enforcement of underage drinking laws
Franco Mercieca warns that youth alcohol consumption is linked with delinquency, underage sex and drug-taking

Underage drinking on the island is a problem that isn’t often spoken about but which can lead to long-term problems, backbencher Franco Mercieca said.
“The law only allows people aged 17 and above to consume alcohol, but as a father, I have to say that I am disappointed to see so many underage teenagers drinking alcohol without any restrictions,” Mercieca said in his parliamentary adjournment. This is a problem that isn’t often spoken enough but can lead to long-term problems.
Quoting a European survey, he said that 86% of Maltese 16-year-olds had consumed alcohol within the last year.
“This is a phenomenal figure, one of the highest in Europe and harms Malta’s image.”
He said that, even though selling alcohol to minors is a criminal offence, some bars situated close to police stations actually sell alcohol to minors.
“The police have to monitor entertainment venues every Friday and Saturday night to ensure that the law is being ensured,” Mercieca said. “We cannot let these venues keep selling alcohol left, right and centre without any consideration of the age of their buyers.”
“Underage drinking laws must be properly enforced so as to ultimately protect our youth,” Mercieca said. “Perhaps young drinkers may not be aware that alcohol damages them and research proves that young binge drinkers are more likely to take cocaine, ecstacy and cannabis in the future.”
He said that alcohol consumption amongst youths is linked with delinquency, problems with the police, underage sex and the non-usage of contraceptives during sex, which could in turn lead to teenage pregnancies.
He also warned that drink-driving is “rampant” in Malta and suggested that the police should use breathalyzer tests more extensively, that taxis should lower their fares so as to encourage people to use them to travel home after a night’s out drinking, and that penalties for drink-driving should include the rescindment of the driver's driving license.