Chris Said to be charged next week

Former Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said is to face charges on perjury next week before the Gozo Courts.

MaltaToday is informed that the Gozo Magistrates Court has summoned Chris Said - who resigned his post last Thursday afternoon - to appear before Magistrate Edwina Grima next Tuesday, and respond to the charges that have been issued by the police.

An appeals court upheld a challenge made by Anthony Xuereb, in a civil case which Chris Said had appeared as legal counsel to British national Helen Milligan who bore the plaintiff's child.

The case goes back to 2007 and Milligan had won temporary custody of her child.

Last Sunday Chris Said accompanied Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi to a political meeting in Ghajnsielem in Gozo, where he intervened and said that he took the decision to resign "serenely."

He said that since he resigned, he has "slept well."

Great job,An appeals court upheld a challenge made by Anthony Xuereb, in a civil case which Chris Said had appeared as legal counsel to British national Helen Milligan who bore the plaintiff's child.Its very best. logo design landing page design
thanks for this informative blog.logo design
Michael Briguglio
What guarantee do we have that the police will put up their "best possible" case? They have already attempted to dismiss the case, so they have a vested interest in being "proved right". The Attorney General is in the same position. Are we going to have the defence and the prosecution working towards the same end - acquittal? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Mark Fenech
Imma kif ma jisthux mill-poplu Malti tan-News Room tal-PBS, mela dan l-istazzjon Nazzjonali sar tal-gvern jew ta GonziPN. Fl-ahbarijiet tal-bierah u ta' dalghodu, waqt li habbru meta Dr. Said sejjer jidher quddiem il-Qorti, komplew billi taghaw il-verzjoni kollha ta' kif gara l-każ minn naha biss ta' Dr. Chris Said. Ma huwiex sewwa jekk Dr. Chris Said ma huwiex hati hallu l-qorti tiddeciedi imma mhux taghmlu l-pressjoni fuq il-qorti biex Dr. Said jigi liberat. Mela l-munita ta' Dr. Said faccata wahda fiha. Jekk rridu jikkommentaw, haga li ma jmisshomx ghamlu ghax il-kaz huwa sub judice, allura jmisshom gabu wkoll il-verzjoni tal-parti l-ohra. Meta hawn il-Korea ta' fuq jew, fejn tisma biss dak li jrid il-gvern. Meta l-oppozizzjoni taghmel xi stqarrija, tarhom igibu wkoll il-verzjoni tal-gvern jew ta' GonziPN jew tan-tnejn biex jirribadixxu dak li jkun qal il-LP, imma mhux hekk isir meta l-pozizzjoni tkun il-kontra. Dan barra li fuq il-każ ta' Dr. Said il-PBS beda' biha, qisu ma gara xejn fid-dinja hlief il-każ ta' Dr. Said. Isthu jekk tafu.
Xahna sbieh min jaf jarana Gonzi ha ghalih ghax Joseph Muscat qallu dak li qallu fuq il kaz ta Dr Chris Said nahseb li kellu RAGUN Joseph Muscat fuq dak li qal ghax Alla ibierek finqas min gimgha il kawza ta Dr Said ser tinqata fil waqt li il poplu idum sejjer fil kawzi sa 25 sena biex kawza tinqata u ta dan finqas min ghimgha ser ikollna il verdett xi tghidilna Dr Gonzi fuq li Said wahhal Fl Avukat Justyne Caruana u din ma ghandha xtaqsam xejn min hemm ghandek tara kemm is segretarju Dr Said ghanu SUBGHAJ TRIDD
Alfred Galea
[Last Sunday Chris Said accompanied Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi to a political meeting in Ghajnsielem in Gozo, where he intervened and said that he took the decision to resign "serenely." He said that since he resigned, he has "slept well."] ******** Nice to know that he got over the initial shock of being charged with perjury.