Environment minister visits Msida community greening project
Environment minister announces new initiatives in the greening of the communities project

Environment Minister Leo Brincat today mentioned a number of new initiatives tied to the greening of the communities project which started last year. During a site visit at the Msida Skate Park earlier today, Brincat called the projects planned in Msida “a clear example of ideas and work which started within the local council itself.”
Brincat said that the new initiatives were a part of the measures stipulated in the 2014 and 2015 Budgets.
“Last year, the four localities chosen for the project were Fgura, St.Paul’s Bay, Msida and Rabat in Gozo. All the projects are on track, and there will be a similar visit in Fgura in the coming days, and the tendering process in Gozo has just been completed.”
Brincat added that the localities chosen last year were selected as they were deemed particularly problematic in terms of traffic congestion.
The funds for the project do not originate from local councils, but they are actually given straight from the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change.
“Last year’s pilot project will now be extended to include more localities, using the knowledge that we gained throughout the year. The ministry has already received submissions from various communities including, Birkirkara, Rahal Gdid, Mosta, Ta’ Xbiex and Xaghra in Gozo.”
Margaret Baldacchino Cefai, the mayor of Msida said that various shrubs and laurel and olive trees had been planted around Msida already as part of the project.
“The shrubs and trees have been planted near the local parish church, near the skate park and near Junior College, among others.”
Baldacchino Cefai also urged the members of the public to respect public property and refrain from stealing these shrubs, as they had already had complaints of the sort.
Brincat stressed that although these projects had been financed by the government, the local councils had chosen the locations for the shrubs and trees independently of the Ministry.
“Although the project cannot hope to solve the problems of excessive traffic in localities, it aims to show that we can still have a healthy environment in spite of the traffic.”
Brincat pointed out that the allocation of funds had been made independent of the size and population of the localities and that each zone had been given the same amount of money for their projects.
“The sum allocated in the 2014 budget was €50,000, and the sum allocated in the 2015 budget is of €150,00,.” Brincat said.
Brincat said that he was convinced that the government would continue in its efforts to improve the health situation and the environment of its people.