Labour leader calls for Auditor General’s investigation into ARMS Ltd

Joseph Muscat to present parliamentary motion calling for investigation into contract for smart meters.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat will present a parliamentary motion calling for an investigation by the Auditor General into the way ARMS Ltd was set up, and the way the contract for the installation of smart meters was awarded.

ARMS Ltd is the billing company jointly owned by Enemalta and the Water Services Corporation.

The motion calls on the government to present to the House all agreements signed for the provision and installation of the smart meters; and to present an action plan for ARMS’s billing service, which has been the source of frustration for many consumers since the Valletta billing office was closed down.

The motion also demands an investigation into how ARMS Ltd was created, the way its managers were chosen and the reasons why consumers are not being given a good service by ARMS.

The motion asks for an investigation into how the contract for smart meters was awarded, whether the Government is getting value for money on the contract and to identify the political responsibility on those who are leading this project.

"ARMS was intended to offer an excellent service to consumers with an advanced IT system, and to issue precise bills every two months," Labour leader Joseph Muscat said.

"But government has persistently refused to publish the agreement for the installation of smart meters, which is valued at some €70 million. The systems that have been commissioned are not giving the expected results and are instead producing exaggerated readings and incorrect bills," Muscat said.

Muscat added that many households had not yet received their energy benefits. "This motion deplores the management of ARMS Ltd, which was not even able to find an alternative location to the Valletta billing office. We understand that the higher ranks in ARMS's management have been chosen directly by the responsible ministry."

I fail to understand why, up to this day, an older version of the meter is being installed to replace damaged meters. Why isn't the "smart" meter being installed in such cases rather than installing a meter which has to be replaced within a few months? Perhaps there is some sort of commission if 2 meters are used instead of one?
The matter must not rest here but also raised up ate the European Parliament and other international institutions to shame the government internationally.
Are you being sarcastic Joe South?
I cannot understand how, at a time when this country is going through all this sewage of corruption, instead of writing something useful to show unity as Maltese or Gozitans, against an immoral administration, you engage yourself in name calling and hateful statements as PN & PL lackeys. It is obvious that your support is there to perhaps entitle you to collect some scraps pff the table that those within the party that you support leave for you, while they enjoy the best of benefits through the taxes that you pay on your hard earned money. How dim witted is that? In a truely democratic country these bastards would be investigated and taken to court to face state justice for their actions by a judiciary that is truely impartial. But here in Malta they find lackeys who support these undignified parties and justifying what they are doing as payback for either corruption of the past or some other stupid excuse. I truely cannot understand this kind of thinking especially when these MP's and their agents are becoming muti millionaires on the back of the state and the hard working people who pay their taxes. How utterly disgusting.
Micheal Bonanno
I see we're going back to the 60's. You can't criticize for if you do you are a saboteur! This is a taste of the PN's subterfuge. And they dare to tell us that they're democracy incarnate!
@ Chris Spiteri What are going on about?! Investigation?! Since when people posting on an online newspaper are investigated?! And by who? For what?!
Alfred Galea
I'm gonna save you all the trouble, I'm gonna kill myself so you don't get me. Goodbye Cruel World. Sejmut, it's B-A-J-D, not BAID and not wonder the PL wanted reception classes, it's because of morons like you. Between you, Spitty and Purtelli you sound like Alvin, Simon and Theodore aka The Chipmunks.
Stephen Proudfoot
Joe South bla bajd
Jidher li qied TPAPPI taht dan il gvern Joe South kellu ragun biex ibiegh Manuel sammut mela dan il gvern kollox jaghmel tajjeb ghalik mintiex tara kemm hemm tahwid ghandek il ministru tal Finanzi Tonio Fenech kien ihaddem mieghu servjenta u ma kienx ihalsila il BOLLA BALLA din li kien ghid siehbek FENECH ADAMI issa mhux BALLA qeda fuq il Haddiema imma balla Nukleari dan barra it tgerfix l-iehor li hemm taht dan il mishut ta gvern fejn hi tajba l-ekonomija mur tkellem ma tal hwienet HADD MA JAF FEJN QIED ghidlu ihallina lil ministru Tonio Fenech fejn hrigna mir recesjoni ahna huwa jista ikun ghax ipappija sew imma mhux ahna il HADDIEMA li ninsabu maghsura min kulliemkien
Alfred Galea
Surely YOU should have noticed it......just telling Joseph that he's wasting his time calling for any investigation into ANYTHING this government does.
While it might be true that there is no concrete evidence in Malta yet, it has already been proven in other countries that installed those smart meters that ONE out of every FIVE installed does not work properly. That means an error in billing of 20%. Another Racket in Maltese Services.
Alfred Galea
Joseph and MaltaToday are just trying to incite the people against the government, that's all. Besides, when did the government EVER pay any attention to the Auditor General?