'Presence of women on boards should be increased' - Bonnici
Michelle Muscat praised the Justice Ministry for entrusting decision-making posts in the hands of women, in her opening address to mark International Women's Day, while Justice and Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said more women need to be appointed in decision-making positions.

The dynamics employed at the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government with regards to women in top positions, attract more women to join the labour force and put in practice their competences and capabilities, Michelle Muscat said.
In her opening address at the seminar to mark International Women’s Day, Muscat praised the Ministry for entrusting decision-making posts in the hands of women. Such opportunities put in practice the government’s policy of increasing female presence in top posts.
Muscat also commented about the work currently being done at Villa Francia under the guidance of the Restoration Directorate. “If all goes to plan, in next year’s seminar you will be invited for a walkabout to appreciate the Villa’s hidden beauty which is being restored,” she said.
Pauline Mamo reiterated how the government is against reverse discrimination and women appointed in decision-making positions are chosen due to their qualifications. “Appointments are given based on the person’s merits and skills. They are chosen because they are the right people for the job,” she said.
Mamo invited the chairwomen and head of commissions present at the seminar to encourage more women to take on positions of trust.
Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government, Owen Bonnici, explained how two women manage his Ministry. “They were not appointed because they were women but because they are more than qualified for their job. Their proficiencies and abilities is what secures their posts,” he said.
Bonnici continued that Government believes in equal opportunity for all genders. However, while a lot has been done such practices and policies equality has to be guaranteed in practical terms. “The presence of women on boards and commissions should be increased and incentivised,” he said. In the past two years, two female magistrates and a judge were appointed, increasing the presence of women in the local courts.
On a more personal note, the Minister commented that Women’s Day means more for him, as his daughter was born on the day.