European Justice Ministers discuss new radicalization prevention plans
Justice ministers of European Union member states discuss new plans to prevent radicalization and terrorism in Europe

European Union justice ministers agreed that the battle against terrorism shouldn’t limit itself to security issues, during a meeting in Brussels.
“Security issues are crucial but the battle against terrorism also extends to the need to prevent people in Europe from becoming radicalized with the ultimate aim of joining terrorsit groups,” the ministers agreed.
Justice and Local government minister Owen Bonnici maintained that during these past days, the Maltese parliament unanimously approved a draft law that brings the country in conformity with United Nations resolutions and other institutions fighting terrorism.
“The justice sector should work towards a prevention policyto ensure that the EU is seriously fighting the phenomenon of radicalization occurring within Europe,” Bonnici stressed.
Bonnici urged that this European prevention policy should not focus just on radicalization in prisons but it should bear in mind realities countries exposed to illegal immigration, like Malta and Italy, actually experience.
Discussions around the new regulation on data protection were made during the meting. It was agreed that this regulation should be finalized as soon as possible.
Further discussions about new procedural rights for arrest and the simplification of public European documents were also held.