PN launches #BeTheChange campaign
42% of PN candidates for local council elections not older than 40 years of age

The Nationalist Party’s youth branch MZPN yesterday launched the ‘#BeTheChange – Stand up to be Counted’ campaign in connection with the local councils election campaign.
In a statement, the PN said leader Simon Busuttil expressed his trust in the candidates during an activity organised by the MZPN in Birgu.
“The PN listens to you, understands you and wants to be the catalyst of change you want to see in the country,” Busuttil said.
The PN leader said the government did not allow 16-year-olds to participate in the spring hunting referendum. He said, it was thanks to the Opposition that 16-year-olds would be able to vote for the first time after the government had cancelled this year’s elections.
The PN pointed out that 42% of its candidates were aged under 40 while 88 candidates were first-time contenders.
The PN said present for the launch were also its deputy leader for party affairs Beppe Fenech Adami and spokesman for local councils David Agius.