Muscat ‘challenges’ Busuttil to speak with residents
Joseph Muscat describes Labour Party as ‘a movement born out of communities’

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat challenged Opposition leader Simon Busuttil to meet residents, claiming that the PN “had locked itself inside”.
Braving the cold weather, a sizeable crowd turned up for a political activity organised in Hamrun by the Labour Party in the run-up to the local councils election.
The PL has been organizing daily activities in different localities, reaching out to the residents. Muscat said being close to the community meant meeting people, visiting housing estates, speaking with street hawkers and discussing with shop owners.
“Contrary to others who have locked themselves inside, we are out meeting people because we are a movement of communities, born within the communities,” he said.
While the PN has been meeting residents away from the glare of the cameras, Muscat said the opposition was not dialoguing with the community.
Muscat ‘challenged’ the PN leader to speak directly with consumers to confirm whether they were “optimistic” following the reduction of utility bills, cheaper fuel prices and a “€5,000 gift” for first-time buyers.
“Go speak to couples benefiting from free IVF treatment to see who is hopeful and optimistic,” he said.
While reiterating the PL’s pledge to improve community services for persons with disability, Muscat said the government would soon start pushing for reforms in the social housing area to improve services and estates.
Once again, Muscat said the government will not increase national insurance or retirement age, while the solution was found in encouraging more people to join the workforce.
The political activity was also addressed by Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela and backbencher Etienne Grech. During his intervention, Abela saluted his predecessor, Manuel Mallia, who was present for the activity. Mallia, who was given a standing ovation by the party faithful present under the tent, was lauded by Abela for kicking off the process that led to members of the disciplined forces being given the right to join a union, without the right to strike.