UHM claims Mater Dei management responsible for unprocessed blood
UHM issues statement saying that management at Mater Dei hospital has undermined paramedic aides directive

In a press statement, the Unjoni Haddiema Maltin (UHM) said that due to current directives, paramedic aides were still allowed to process blood coming from the Emergency department and other wards.
“These blood samples are identifiable through labels that distinguish them from one sample to another,” UHM said.
UHM claimed that recently the management of Mater Dei hospital had issued directives to omit these important labels.
“This means that these blood samples can no longer be identified from each other. Aside from being irresponsible, this attitude also undermines patient health,” UHM added.
UHM said that it would hold those who made this decision legally responsible for any blood samples that couldn’t be processed due to lack of identification.