Former candidate Cyrus Engerer ‘special representative’ to PM in Brussels

Former Labour candidate dubbed ‘soldier of steel’ by Joseph Muscat, in EU as ‘special representative to the Prime Minister’

Cyrus Engerer
Cyrus Engerer

Former Labour candidate Cyrus Engerer has been given the nomenclature of ‘special representative’ to the Prime Minister in his new posting in Brussels at Malta’s permanent representation to the EU.

His employment there has been effective since 6 October. No letter of engagement was issued.

In reply to a PQ by Nationalist deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that Engerer – engaged on a Scale 3 salary of at least €34,680 – acts as a coordinator between the permanent representative to the EU and government ministries.

His other jobs, as listed by Muscat in his reply, include the coordination of matters of interest for the Prime Minister; assisting the PM at Council meetings; prepare agendas and take minutes for the PM in Council meetings and other EU-level meetings; coordinate any legal proceedings against Malta on a political level; and coordinate bilateral affairs between the OPM and third countries.

Engerer was last engaged as a consultant with the OPM and also with the ministry for civil liberties, before his candidate for MEP was withdrawn in May 2014 due to a criminal conviction for the harassment of a former boyfriend.